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  用于松弛调峰瓶颈的储能系统容量配置方法;针对2010 年某省电网接纳风电受 限现状,利用该方法对其进行改善,分析了储能系统运行年限、投资成本对其容量配置的影响,算例结果验证了所提出 方法的可行性。(2010 accepted a provincial power grid wind power constrained situation, the use of this method to improve its analysis of the energy storage system operating years, the cost of investment for its capacity configuration effects energy storage system configuration methods for relaxation peaking capacity bottlenecks , numerical results verify the feasibility of the proposed method.)





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  • VB6.0中文版语言参考手册
    说明:  本书是美国微软出版社授权的MicrosoftVisualStudio中文版系列中的一本。全书按字母顺序列出了VisualBasic6.0的函数、语句、方法、属性及事件,附录部分提供了ANSI字符集、数据类型、运算符等等的数学函数及转换函数。本书不但是从事VisualBasic6.0应用和开发人员的工具书,也可作为大专院校相关专业的师生、科研院所的科技人员自学和教学的重要参考书。本书还提供配套的电子书,以方便读者携带、学习和长久保存。(the book is Microsoft Press MicrosoftVisualStudio authorized by the Chinese edition of the series, one. The book listed in alphabetical order by VB6.0 functions, the statement, methods, properties and events, appendix portion of the ANSI character set, data types, etc. Operators of mathematical functions and conversion functions. This book is not only engaged in the development of Visual Basic 6.0 applications and the tools that can be as professional institutions related to the teachers and students, research institutes and technological personnel in learning and teaching as an important reference book. The book also provides matching e-books, for the convenience of the reader to carry, learning and the long-term preservation.)
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    在电力电子装置中的一个重要组成部分,输入连接到控制电路的PWM信号输出端,输出连接到装置各IGBT的门极和发射极,将装置中的控制电路产生的数字PWM信号进行隔离传输和电平转换和功率放大,实现控制电路对IGBT进行开通和关断动作的控制,从而实现装置的功率变换功能。InfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: Power Suppliesa Gate driving voltage for IGBT+15Vturn-on is normally +15VDriver>□1a Gate driving voltage for IGBTOVturn-off can be oV or negativeWith Single Power Supply5V to-15V)a Negative gate driving voltage+15Vhelps IGBt switch off fasterremain in off state but itDriverneeds dual power suppliesOVWhether to use oV or negativegate driving voltage depends15VWith Dual Power Supplieson the requirement on costZH Liang - Al APperformance05Dec2003agefor internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: InterfaceOpto-couplers is commonly used as interfacingdevices for applications where both signaltransmission and potential isolation are requiredOpto-couplers offers reliable isolation between IGBT(high-potential)& micro-controller(low-potential)Opto-couplers has long signal delay(us)and isexpensiveIsolation +VDpCCMicroDrivercontrollerZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003Page 6for internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: Half-bridge DriveStandard configuration: 2 drivers, 2 power supplies, 2 opto-couplersAdvantages: standard, reliableDisadvantages: using opto-couplers, higher system costIsolation +VDDlCC1DriverCC1MicrocontrollerDD2+VCC2DriverCC2ZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003Page 7for internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: Half-bridge DriveIn half-bridge IGBT drive, opto-couplers offer two functions(1)safety isolation &(2) shifting the potential of the gatesignal from uc potential to high-side potentialIf safety isolation between IGBT& micro-controller is notneeded, then"Level Shift" can replace opto-coupling andrealize function(2)OptoHigh-sideHigh-sidecouplerDriverIGBTMicro-Opto-LoW-sideLow-sidecontrollercouplerDriverIGBTZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003Page 8for internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive Level shiftI FeaturesHVc(600V/1200V)沿PULSERFILTERShort Signal DelayPULSE■Cost- effectiveGEN■ No Safety Isolationevel Shift Half-bridge DriverI BenefitHigh-side““°IGBTO Saving Opto-couplersLevel(lower system costShiftMicro● Wider range ofcontrollerLevelLow-side■■■■■直■口m留■Switching FrequencyShiftIGBT(higher flexibility)ZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003Page 9for internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: CLTNEWO CLT-Coreless Transformer (for signal transmissionu Coils(Primary Secondary Side)realized on SiliconO Short Signal Delay (allowing high or low switching frequencyu Lower Cost(compared to 1200V level-shift driver日 Safety IsolationCLT Half-bridge DriverHigh-sideCLT Single DriverIGBTCLTMicro-controllerCLTIGBTMicro-controllerLoW-sideIGBTZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003agefor internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: Boot-strapBoot-strap circuit includes only a diode and a capacitora In half-bridge drive, the boot-strap circuit can replace the high-sidepower supply and make single-supply operation possibleWhen the low-side IGBT (or FWD)is on, the diode is forwardbiased and the capacitor is charged by the low-side power supplyvia the low-side IGBT and stores the energyWhen the low-side IGBt(and FWD)is OFF, the diode is reversebiased and blocks the dc-bus voltage to protect the low-sidecircuit. Meanwhile, the capacitor supplies energy to the high-sidedriverThe boot-strap capacitance should be high enough to keep thesupply voltage stable Capacitance needed can be calculatedbased on the working conditions and device parametersZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003agefor internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia PacificInfineontechnologiesIGBT Gate Drive: Boot-strap circuitConventional2心菲*|■3 high-side power supplies■1|oW- side power supplyUsing boot-strap circuit心体心心●3 diodes& capacitorso 1 low-side power supplyFeaturesa Diode: ultra-fast recoverya Capacitor: general-purposed ITAa Dependent on low-side IGBTBenefitsSaving 3 PS(transformer cost)22ZH Liang - Al AP05Dec2003Reducing wiring connectionPage 12for internal use onlyInfineon Technologies Asia Pacific
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