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于 2014-02-09 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  让ARToolKit支持MQO模型的必须头文件,GLMetaseq.h(Let ARToolKit support MQO model must header files, GLMetaseq.h)



0 个回复

  • Density_Evolution
    LDPC码理论方面的高性能密度进化仿真测试例程,可以跑出数值结果(LDPC DENSITY EVOLUTION)
    2013-10-03 16:49:20下载
  • libsvm-mat-2.9-1
    SVM的VC程序,有matlab接口,便于调用,还有例子,用于模式识别,分类,预测。(SVM, VC procedures, matlab interface, easy call, as well as an example, for pattern recognition, classification and prediction)
    2010-01-08 12:32:51下载
  • tuxing123
    着是一个MATLAB中的图形合并的程序,也有不完善的地方,请指教!(with MATLAB is a graphic merger procedures have imperfections, please enlighten! Thank you)
    2007-01-28 17:47:25下载
  • pca-cPP-svd-algorithm
    主成分分析的c++实现使用奇异值分解svd算法(Principal Component Analysis based on svd algorithm ,used c++)
    2012-11-22 15:18:38下载
  • AMQexamples
    ActiveMQ CPP 使用示例。ActiveMQ 是Apache出品,最流行的,能力强劲的开源消息总线(ActiveMQ CPP example)
    2014-01-06 11:22:28下载
  • Image-binarization-processing
    利用matlab的GUI设计的图像二值化处理的可视化界面,包含所需的操作界面和m文件,可对图片进行导入、二值化处理及保存等操作。 (A visual interface of image binarization processing designed by Matlab GUI.It contains the desired interface and m file, you can import the picture, do binarization processing and preserve the new image.)
    2013-09-22 10:21:48下载
  • savejpeg
    Here s the code! Too many people ask for this Using this code you can save an image item as a jpeg image, specifying the quality of it. Jpeg quality is the same as compression so the lower the quality, the smaller the file size. It s simple to use(Here's the code! Too many people ask for this Using this code you can save an image item as a jpe g image, specifying the quality of it. Jpeg quality is th e same as compression so the lower the quality, the smaller the file size. It's simple to use)
    2007-05-14 03:54:34下载
  • ann_1.1.1_MS_Win32_bin
    ann 最小距离运算库 ann 可提高运算速度(ann ann ann ann ann ANN ann ann ann ann ann ann ann lib)
    2010-01-10 20:48:02下载
  • yuyinchulichengxv
    对给定语料估计其基音周期。 要求用MATLAB或C语言实现有关基音检测算法,并给出检测结果。 (For a given corpus to estimate the pitch period. Required to use MATLAB or C language realization of the pitch detection algorithm, and gives test results.)
    2009-12-27 23:25:22下载
  • EnumerateAudioCaptureFilterCapabilities
    audio card enumerate searching ok. for multimedia developing project. thank you
    2014-01-08 17:50:46下载
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