- 2009-04-02 22:33:22下载
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标准粒子群优化算法的程序。运用matlab编写。(Standard particle swarm optimization procedures. Using matlab prepared.)
- 2013-07-24 03:56:15下载
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说明: 数字图像处理所用,是做图像处理的人的参考书(Used in digital image processing, image processing is done reference book for those who)
- 2011-03-06 15:07:16下载
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(a chasing documents. Exchange! C addendum to the Matlab procedures. We postgraduate work! Numerical pm Analysis. relatively simple. We hope that the criticism corrected!)
- 2006-10-15 19:44:45下载
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System identification
- 2014-11-11 19:49:40下载
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四节龙格库塔程序,这是一个很高的程序,快来下载吧,齐纳的朋友么(this is a good for everything)
- 2011-11-10 15:30:04下载
- 积分:1
1、验证窗函数 N 变化时,验证其频谱主瓣副瓣比、主瓣宽度的变化。
a)矩形窗函数的 N 变化时,验证其其频谱主瓣副瓣幅度比基本不会发生变化,
而主瓣宽度将会变窄。这说明,当用矩形窗函数设计滤波器时,增大 N 不能使
b)再选取其他的窗如 hamming/hanning 窗,验证当 N 变化时,其频谱主瓣宽
2、用窗函数法设计线性相位 FIR 低通,通带截止频率 wp=0.5PI, 阻带截止频率 ws=0.6PI,
阻带衰减不小于 40dB,通带衰减不大于 3dB.
a)选取 Hanning,Hamming 窗查看设计出来的 FIR 的过渡带宽和阻带衰减是否
b)使用 hamming 窗,将窗长增大 1 倍,设计 FIR。验证同样的窗函数类型
(hamming),不同窗长度时,设计出来的 FIR 的过渡带宽和阻带衰减都有什么变
3、不使用 Matlab 系统函数得到上一项指标的低通,并与上一项结果比较。
4 用窗函数法设计线性相位 FIR 高通,通带截止频率 wp=0.8PI, 阻带截止频率
ws=0.7PI, 阻带衰减不小于 30dB,通带衰减不大于 3dB.(An actual filter is implemented using the truncated unit impulse response sequence of the ideal filter.
For the ideal low pass filter, the unit impulse response h, N, D () is intercepted by a length of N, and the length is
The N sequence H (n), when intercepted, guarantees causality and linear phase requirements for the filter.
In order to reduce the Gibbs effect, the H (n) window is added, and the appropriate window function is selected to ensure the stopband attenuation and
Transition zone requirement. Note that the sidelobe of the window function affects the stopband attenuation of the filter, and the main lobe width affects the filter
Transition bandwidth.)
- 2017-07-06 11:55:24下载
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(7,4)(15,11)(31,26)汉明码的距离谱以及误码率仿真(failed to translate)
- 2011-05-23 21:08:39下载
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将PSO粒子群智能算法应用于天线阵列设计的matlab源代码(using PSO in antenna array)
- 2021-04-13 11:18:57下载
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2 1
说明: 假定导引头工作在理想状态,能够无延迟无误差地输出与视线角速度成比例的信号u,在此情况下的导引律(Assuming that the seeker works in an ideal state, it can output the signal U proportional to the angular velocity of the line of sight without delay and error. In this case, the guidance law)
- 2019-07-29 14:32:54下载
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