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  matlab c++对接matlab c++对接(matlab c++)



0 个回复

  • myDaoju
    vb与matlab混合编程的例子,COM+DLL,非常详细(vb and matlab examples of mixed programming, COM+ DLL, a very detailed)
    2009-05-08 17:09:04下载
  • FuzzyPAdaptivePRobustPPIDPController
    适合用来学习模糊控制的源码。模糊自适应PID效果是非常不错。PID控制器,一种工业控制方式,比例积分微分控制规律(控制器数学模型G(S)=比例+微分+积分),经常用P表示比例,用I表示积分,用D表示微分。(Suitable for learning fuzzy control of the source. Fuzzy adaptive PID effect is very good. PID controller, an industrial control, PID control law (mathematical model of the controller G (S) = ratio of+ differential+ points), often expressed by P ratio, with the points I said, with the D that differential.)
    2011-04-26 11:29:16下载
  • CDMAmud
    CDMA系统中的多用户检测技术性能比较,包括MMSE,DC,OMD(CDMA system in multi-user detection performance comparison, including the MMSE, DC, OMD)
    2010-05-11 16:35:24下载
  • Matlabgetstart
    Matlab入门教材,可以作为入门是的读物。(Matlab entry materials, can be used as entry is reading.)
    2007-10-23 23:18:48下载
  • zbl
    在VC下的,信道容量计算源码,可以计算出基本各类信道的容量(Under the VC, channel capacity calculation of source, you can calculate the basic types of channel capacity)
    2009-05-26 06:15:13下载
  • Archive
    4) 创建一个名为Complex的类,进行复数的算术运算。复数的形式为: realpart+imaginarypart*i 用浮点变量表示类的private数据。提供构造函数,能够对所声明的该类对象进行初始化。在不提供初始化值的情况下,该构造函数应包含默认值。针对以下功能,分别提供一个public成员函数。 (1)两个复数相加; (2)两个复数相减 (3)用(a, b)的形式打印复数,其中a为实部,b为虚部。 (4) Create a class called Complex, and perform complex arithmetic operations. Plural form: realpart+imaginarypart* i said private data class with floating point variables. Provide a constructor, the object can be declared for the class is initialized. In the case do not provide initialization values, the constructor should contain default values. For the following functions, which provide a public member function. (A) two complex numbers (2) the subtraction of two complex (3) (a, b) in the form of plural printing, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part.)
    2013-12-18 15:14:46下载
  • cmpse
    间接法功率谱分析代码,数字信号处理领域常用(Indirect method power spectrum analysis code, and digital signal processing used)
    2010-01-01 18:51:56下载
  • Matlab-Simulation-Files
    Matlab Simulation FilesMatlab Simulation Files(Matlab Simulation Files)
    2013-08-03 10:43:19下载
  • 1
    FFT 与LZW编码算法相结合,实现压缩功能,MATLAB仿真实现(FFT LZW compress)
    2013-11-20 22:11:22下载
  • MmDemo
    vc和matlab混合编程,在vc中调用matlab的函数进行计算和处理,本程序中调用了matlab图像处理函数打开图像并进行灰度处理(vc and matlab mixed programming, matlab function calls are calculated and processed in the vc, the program calls the matlab image processing function to open and grayscale image processing)
    2014-02-05 20:05:21下载
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