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于 2015-05-13 发布 文件大小:55KB
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  新闻管理后台静态页面,对做一些Java语言的后台页面有帮助(News management background static page, helpful to do some Java language background page)



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  • Exe4_3
    3.已知车辆(Vehicle)包括机动车(MotoVehicle)和非机动车(NonMotorVehicle)2种。小汽车(Car)、公交车(Bus)等属于机动车,自行车(Bicycle)等属于非机动车。随着能源技术的发展,出现了电动自行车(ElectricBicycle)、电动小汽车(ElectricCar)、天然气公交车(NaturalGasBus)等新型车辆。车辆的共同特征是都能够运行(run),并且有唯一的5位车牌号(LicenseNumber)。机动车的共同特征是采用燃油发动机(FuelEngine),且能够驾驶(drive)。自行车的共同特征是能够骑行(ride)。电动车辆的共同特征是由电池(Battery)驱动。天然气车辆的共同特征是采用天然气(NaturalGas)作为动力。 要求: (1)设计一个类体系描述上述车辆,写出它们的属性和方法。 (2)一家公司(Company)拥有10辆普通小汽车、5辆公交车、2辆电动小汽车和1辆天然气公交车,要求写一个方法listVehicles()显示所有车辆的信息(车牌号以及采用的动力)。 程序文件命名为Exe4_3.java。(3. Known vehicle (Vehicle) including motor vehicle (MotoVehicle) and non-motorized (NonMotorVehicle) 2 species. Cars (Car), bus (Bus), etc. to motor vehicles, bicycles (Bicycle), etc. are non-motor vehicles. With the development of energy technologies, the emergence of electric bicycles (ElectricBicycle), electric cars (ElectricCar), natural gas buses (NaturalGasBus) and other new vehicles. A common feature of the vehicle is able to run (run), and there are only five license plate number (LicenseNumber). Common feature is the use of a motor vehicle fuel engine (FuelEngine), and is capable of driving (drive). Common feature is the ability to ride a bike (ride). Common characteristics of the electric vehicle is driven by a battery (Battery). A common feature is the use of natural gas vehicles (NaturalGas) as the driving force. Claim: (1) describe the design of a class system of the vehicle, write their properties and methods. (2) a company (Company) owns 10 ordinary cars, five buses, )
    2015-06-14 18:22:51下载
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