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于 2014-01-19 发布 文件大小:15KB
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  多种降维方法的一个程序包,包括PCA,ISOMAP, LLED等,GUI,界面直观简单(A variety of dimensionality reduction method package, including PCA, ISOMAP, LLED etc., GUI, simple and intuitive interface)



0 个回复

  • Rayleigh-Fading-with-doppler-effect
    Modeling Rayleigh Fading with doppler effect
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  • GPS-cycle-slip-processing
    GPS L1,L2双拼周跳探测与修复,包含几种常用的实时探测算法,附有GUI界面(A MATLAB software package for GPS cycle-slip processing is presented in this paper. It realizes cycle-slip detection and repair in the measurement domain for GPS L1 and L2 signals. The software implements several classic approaches oriented to real-time processing. With the graphic user interface, the user can configure the raw data, set algorithm-related parameters, add synthetic cycle-slips, and view the detection results in both text and illustrated forms. )
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    matlab source code for OFDM channel
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  • viterbisolnEE5282Probv11
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    This function obtains a unitary matrix Q such that: d=diag(Q *diag(lmd)*Q). In other words, it gives a way to generate a matrix with given eigenvalues and diagonal elements. By Daniel Perez Palomar (last revision: May 10, 2004). Feel free to distribute this file as it is (without including any modifications).(This function obtains a unitary matrix Q such that: d=diag(Q*diag(lmd)*Q). In other words, it gives a way to generate a matrix with given eigenvalues and diagonal elements. By Daniel Perez Palomar (last revision: May 10, 2004). Feel free to distribute this file as it is (without including any modifications).)
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