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于 2021-04-07 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  阶比分析文件。特别适合对数据进行处理,特别别是信号处理。(Order analysis files. Particularly suitable for data processing, signal processing is not particularly.)





0 个回复

  • huidutidu
    图像灰度梯度求解 matlab程序 可用于求解图像的灰度梯度值,多幅图像之间比较清晰度等。(Solving matlab image gray gradient gray gradient program can be used to solve the values ​ ​ of the image, more clarity between multiple images.)
    2014-10-25 13:20:04下载
  • HOGgles
    图像顶尖会议ICCV2013年的对象探测代码,包括其对应的论文(HOGgles: Visualizing Object Detection Features)
    2013-12-03 09:06:24下载
  • chuong-trinh-ver-2.0
    This paper presents a novel algorithm of hiding secret messages by applying mathematical lemmas and information theory. The proposed algorithm can hide more information with acceptable embedded rate and achieves requirements of information hiding algorithm and simply information extracting. The main idea is applying modern algebra to solve the information hiding problem in multimedia. In order to prevent some attacks on stganography, hidden initial bits of image data pixels are chosen randomly. The extracted information are achieved without the reference of the original image and extracted keys. The experiment results show that our approach is effective and reliable.
    2014-02-20 20:49:27下载
  • antsyscolony
    关于TSP旅行商问题的蚁群标准算法,以及在一些地方的改进算法(TSP Traveling Salesman Problem on the standard ant colony algorithm and improved algorithm in some places)
    2010-05-27 17:55:10下载
  • untitled2223
    电力系统 重合闸建模,能很好的对分布式电源的重合闸情况进行模拟(Reclosing power system modeling, can be a good situation for reclosing simulation of distributed power)
    2014-01-15 10:15:56下载
  • read_grib2
    用来处理气象上NCEP资料grib2的matlab处理程序(Matlab Processing Program for Processing NCEP Data grib2 in Meteorology)
    2020-06-15 22:25:02下载
  • 7
    说明:  摘 要 盲图像恢复的主要困难是信息不足,而为了恢复图像和确定点扩散函数需要适当的先验知识。解决这个问题的法、 法以及正则化方法等。但是这些方法的计算量都太大,针对上述方法的不足,文章提出了一种恢复图方法有图像的新算法,它通过恢复残差的最小化和后验概率的最大化来估计参数和恢复图像。其中,巧妙地利用了最陡梯度法和 共轭梯度法的迭代求解。对由于运动造成的模糊图像,可以明显地改善图像的质量,实验结果证明,在对模糊操作没有严格限制的情况下,仍可得到较好的恢复图像。(: : 2$*/<$ I?E L691/6@ F9MM9G:0=@ R9=? S092F 91/DE 6EC=76/=972 9C 92C:MM9G9E2= 92M761/=972$I?9C G/00C M76 L67LE6 92G76L7 ( ) =972 7M/L69769 U27R0EFDE /S7:= =?E 91/DE /2F =?E L792=8CL6E/F M:2G=972 &[ $RE008U27R CL/GE8/F/L=9OE 6ED:0/69</= 1E=?7F /2F 3+ 1E=?7F M76 91/DE 6EC=76/=972 /6E E =E2FEF =7 /FF6ECC =?9C L67S0E1$] 2ER 1E=?7F 9C L67L7CEF =7 6EC= S0:6 91/DE :C92D+5 /2F 5E/C=V:/6EC 1E=?7F$W= :CE 192919<E/G7C= M:2G=972 /2F 1/ 919<E &[ M:2G=972 =7 6EC= =?E 91/DE /2F 9FE2=9M@ =?E L/6/1E=E6C$I?9C 1E=?7F :CE C=EELEC= FECGE2= /2F G72Q:D/=E D6/F9E2= 1E=?7FC =7 192919<E , G7C= M:2G=972 /2F 1/ 919<E L7C=E69769 L67S/S909=@ =7 91L67OE =?E S0:6 91/DE X?9G? 9C /0C7 =7 91L67OE =?E 91/DE V: =@ 92 C71E FED6EE R9=? 27 C=69G= 0919=/=972$)
    2009-02-28 10:23:13下载
  • Untitled2
    大家可以分享 ,一起学习,本程序是泡沫颜色特征提取(very goodvery goodvery goodvery good)
    2010-11-24 17:29:01下载
  • picdata
    冈萨雷斯书籍图像库 图像的基本 一些李娜图像等等(Gonzalez basic image image library books)
    2013-12-04 21:20:28下载
  • NFEM_displacement_control
    nonlinear FEM analysis of 1 dimension bar
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