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于 2014-01-14 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  SAR成像算法,用CSA,RDA实现的点目标程序仿真(SAR Imaging Simulation of Single Pointby Chirp Signal Algorithm and Range Doppler Algorithm )



0 个回复

  • ldpc_code
    qc—ldpc编码的matlab源码,分为好几个版本,small文件夹里的支持小的稀疏矩阵,large文件夹里的支持较大的稀疏矩阵。test文件为顶层(qc-ldpc the matlab source code is divided into several versions, small folder in the support of a small sparse matrix, large folder in the support of a larger sparse matrix. test document for the top-level)
    2021-03-11 20:49:25下载
  • ReBEL-0.2.7
    包括kf,ekf,pf,upf可以自己定制模型参数,完成滤波(ReBEL currently contains most of the following functional units which can be used for state-, parameter- and joint-estimation: Kalman filter Extended Kalman filter Sigma-Point Kalman filters (SPKF) Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) Central difference Kalman filter (CDKF) Square-root SPKFs Gaussian mixture SPKFs Iterated SPKF SPKF smoothers Particle filters Generic SIR particle filter Gaussian sum particle filter Sigma-point particle filter Gaussian mixture sigma-point particle filter Rao-Blackwellized particle filters The italicized algorithms above are not fully functional yet (or included in the current release), but will be in the next or future releases. The code is designed to be as general, modular and extensible as possible, while at the same time trying to be as computationally efficient as possible. It has been tested with Matlab 7.2 (R2006a). )
    2011-11-30 10:56:24下载
  • trans_innerfault
    基于Matlab/Simulink建立的变压器内部仿真模型,可以进行变压器内部整个绕组的单相接地、两相短路、两相接地短路、三相短路等故障的仿真。(The internal simulation model of transformer based on Matlab/Simulink can carry out the simulation of single phase grounding, two phase short circuit, two-phase short circuit and three-phase short circuit of the whole winding. )
    2016-05-02 16:27:25下载
  • KalmanFilterWay
    卡尔曼 滤波 去除噪声 测定俯仰角 方位角 距离 等等(kalman filter)
    2016-12-27 14:46:30下载
  • King_Shepherd_Muyang_Wang-01
    武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院 2014-2015年 第一学期 matlab 第一次实习 学霸代码(Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University first semester of 2014-2015 school matlab first internship, Pa code)
    2014-11-19 19:04:15下载
  • BER_Estimation
    Generalized program for calculation of BER for various wireless system
    2010-11-12 23:56:08下载
  • jielianguandao
    惯性导航系统属于一种推算导航方式.即从一已知点的位置根据连续测得的运载体航向角和速度推算出其下一点的位置.因而可连续测出运动体的当前位置。惯性导航系统中的陀螺仪用来形成一个导航坐标系使加速度计的测量轴稳定在该坐标系中并给出航向和姿态角(Inertial navigation system is a dead reckoning navigation mode. That is from a given point according to the measured continuous carrier heading angle and velocity calculates the next location. The current position which can)
    2014-07-04 22:17:18下载
  • matlab_5
    说明:  一个关于matlab的电子书,详细介绍了matlab的基本用法(Matlab on the e-book, detailing the basic usage of matlab)
    2009-08-10 20:59:39下载
  • LPP
    LPP是局部保局投影方法,这里给出了matlab的源码(lpp code for face recognition)
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  • roberts
    边缘检测算子 roberts算子 matlab源代码(roberts matlab)
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