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于 2014-01-13 发布 文件大小:13282KB
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  phrack有什么nb的地方:有人问我成为nb黑客(不是骇客)的捷径是什么?我发现这里面可以细分为:1.谁是nb的黑客? 我的答案是phrack杂志上每个领域发表开拓性文章的人; 2.如何成为nb的黑客? 我的答案是把phrack杂志大部分文章用几年时间全部真正弄懂 --不看文章,不查资料能把例子实现一遍,还能改--xscan作者(What place phrack nb: nb what I was asked to become a hacker (not a hacker) is a shortcut? I found that there can be subdivided into: (1) Who is nb hackers? My answer is to explore every area of ​ ​ published journal articles on phrack people 2 nb how to become a hacker? My answer is that most of the phrack magazine article a few years time all truly understand- do not look at the article, the example does not check the information can achieve it again, but also to change- xscan author)



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  • VB 例序讲解
    说明:  VB 例程序讲解 、局域网聊天程序 二、可以换肤的窗体 三、richtext实现的文本编辑器 四、用OLE实现文件拖放 五、窗体卸载时弹出确认对话框 六、让控件大小随窗体改变而改变 七、拖动无标题栏窗体 八、在打开文件对话框中选择多文件 (VB procedures on cases, two LAN chat program, the Eurocargo Form 3, the realization richtext text editor 4, OLE files with drag-and-drop 5, Form unloading pop confirmation dialog box six, with the size controls Form change of seven, dragging Untitled Form 8 column, in fighting to open a file selection dialog many documents)
    2005-12-08 17:04:27下载
  • YCArray
    说明:  /** * 动态数组的模板类 * 1.支持字符索引 * 2.方便的添加删除修改任意一项 * 最后更新 2004-8-9 yzh **1.优化了字符索引的运作方式,使用数组存储 **2.重写了底层数据的存储,将连续性的存储方式改为了非连续, *** 从而很好有效地支持了“引用”,并且让数据的删除增加变的更为快速 * 用法如: * YCArray<int,int> test * test.Add("Number2",4) * test.Add("Number1",2) * printf("%d %d",test["Number1"],test["Number2"]) * 显示: * 2 4 ******* ******* History: 2004-11-19 修改了析构函数,解决了索引没有释放的bug **/(/*** dynamic array template class* 1. Support characters Index* 2. Add convenience to delete arbitrary* a final update 2004-8-9 yzh** 1. Character Index optimized mode of operation, the use of storage arrays** 2 . a rewrite of the underlying data storage, storage continuity conversion of non-continuous, and thus good*** effective support to the "quote", and let the data changed to delete the more rapid* usage such as :* YCArraylt; int, intgt; test* test. Add ( "Number2", 4)* test.Add ( "Number1", 2)* printf ( "% d% d", test [ "Number1"] test [ "Number2"])* Display :** 2 4************* History : 2004-11-19 revised the destructors, the index did not address the release of bug** /)
    2005-09-06 13:03:51下载
  • liaot
    Visual C++案例开发集锦第六章\聊天室服务器端开发的程序源码,值得一看!(Visual C++ case development highlights Chapter Chat server-side development of the program source code, worth a visit!)
    2011-08-13 16:09:13下载
  • ProjExtend
    中频感应加热以其加热效率高、速度快,可控性好及易于实现机械化、自动化等优点,已在熔炼、铸造、弯管、热锻、焊接和表面热处理等行业得到广泛的应用。 本设计根据设计任务进行了方案设计,设计了相应的硬件电路,研制了20KW中频感应加热电源。 本设计中感应加热电源采用IGBT作为开关器件,可工作在10 Hz~10 kHz频段。它由整流器、滤波器、和逆变器组成。整流器采用不可控三相全桥式整流电路。滤波器采用两个电解电容和一个电感组成Ⅱ型滤波器滤波和无源功率因数校正。逆变器主要由PWM控制器SG3525A控制四个IGBT的开通和关断,实现DC-AC的转换。 设计中采用的芯片主要是PWM控制器SG3525A和光耦合驱动电路HCPL-316J。设计过程中程充分利用了SG3525A的控制性能,具有宽的可调工作频率,死区时间可调,具有输入欠电压锁定功能和双路输出电流。由于HCPL-316J具有快的开关速度(500ns),光隔离,故障状态反馈,可配置自动复位、自动关闭等功能,所以选择其作为IGBT的驱动。 对原理样机的调试结果表明,所完成的设计实现了设计任务规定的基本功能。此外,为了满足不同器件对功率需要的要求,设计了功率可调。这部分超出了设计任务书规定的任务。(induction heating with high heating efficiency, speed and good controllability and easy to mechanization. the advantages of automation, in melting, casting, bending, forging, welding and surface heat treatment and other industries have been widely employed. According to the design tasks for the design of the program design, design corresponding to the hardware circuit, Development of 20 KW induction heating power. The design of induction heating power IGBT used as a switching device, which can work in 10 Hz- 10 kHz frequency band. It consists of rectifier, filter, and the inverter components. Controlled Rectifier not use the entire three-phase bridge rectifier circuit. 2 filter used an electrolytic capacitor and inductor components II-type filter and passive PFC. Inverter mainly by the PW)
    2007-04-19 11:31:35下载
  • Ping
    用C语言实现的ping 功能,经典实现,在VC下调试通过(Ping using C language functions implemented)
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  • vcFtp
    学习网络编程的初学者必看的.(Learning Network Programming Watchable the beginners.)
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  • qks
    When I wrote this function my problem was to replace one color by an other on transparent bitmaps My
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  • AutoUpdater
    通过客户端与服务器端文件对比,实现自动升级功能。(Through the client and server-side document comparison, automatic update feature.)
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  • 多人聊天
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