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于 2020-11-15 发布 文件大小:119KB
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  用模最大值法提取小波脊,该例中又两条小波脊,所以是多脊提取。同时又施加惩罚函数,控制lamda的值,可以得到较为平滑的小波脊。( using maximum modulus extract wavelet ridge, the case has two wavelet ridge, it is a multi-ridge extraction. At the same time to impose the penalty function to control the value of lamda,the extracted ridge can be relatively smooth .)



0 个回复

  • Lineradapter
    用于数控机床直线转接的程序包括C功能,我花了两天才编完的(Linear adapter for CNC machine tool program include C functions, I spent two days series of completed)
    2010-07-06 10:17:56下载
  • image_compress
    本程序利用奇异值分解对3通道彩色图像进行压缩分解,具体步骤如下: 压缩过程: 1. 选取子图像大小K值,把图像分解成M×M个子图像,IMG(s),s=1,2,…, M2,其中M=N/K,原始图像IMG大小为N×N。 2. 计算这M2个子图像的平均值average,对每幅子图像减去均值图像得到新图像。 3. 计算相关矩阵R,其元素定义为 。 4. 计算R的特征值与特征向量,计算每幅子图像与最大特征向量的内积,便得到编码,即压缩后的图像。 (This procedure using singular value decomposition of 3-channel color image compression decomposition, concrete steps are as follows: compression process: 1. Select the sub-image size K value, the image is decomposed into M × M sub-image, IMG (s), s = 1, 2, ..., M2, in which M = N/K, the original image IMG size N × N. 2. M2 calculate the average of sub-image average, for each sub-image minus the new images mean images. 3. Calculation of correlation matrix R, defined as its elements. 4. Calculation of the characteristics of R value and eigenvector calculated each sub-image with the largest eigenvector of the inner product, they will have to code, that is, the compressed images.)
    2008-01-03 23:00:33下载
  • lyapunov_wolf
    说明:  该函数用来计算时间序列的最大Lyapunov 指数--Wolf 方法(The function used to calculate the time series of the largest Lyapunov index- Wolf method)
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  • DNG
    DNG simulation using fdtd in matlab code
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  • dpdsimulation
    DPD预失真算法的matlab仿真实现,其中包括了LMS,RLS,LS等自适应算法(the digital predistortion algorithm basic on matlab)
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  • baoluopuzhouchengguzhangzhenduan
    利用matlab通过包络谱与能量谱诊断轴承内外圈故障,并附有内外圈的故障数据,适合初学者。(By using matlab spectrum and energy spectrum envelope bearing inner ring fault diagnosis, fault data together with inner and outer rings, suitable for beginners.)
    2016-05-06 11:58:21下载
  • face_database
    is good from my self and i me student
    2010-10-09 18:57:54下载
  • fuzzyPID
    使用PID算法与FUZZYPID算法仿真并作比较,仿真证明,FUZZYPID效果要好于单纯PID调节(Using the PID algorithm and FUZZYPID algorithm simulation and compare simulation results show, FUZZYPID is better than the simple PID regulator)
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  • KarhunenLoeve
    数据降维算法 K_L变换是一种最优正交变换,以矢量信号X的协方差矩阵Ф的归一化正交特征矢量q所构成的正交矩阵Q,来对该矢量信号X做正交变换Y=QX,则称此变换为K-L变换(K-LT或KLT)。(Data reduction algorithm K_L optimal orthogonal transform is a transformation to vector signal covariance matrix Ф X normalized orthogonal feature vector composed of q orthogonal matrix Q, to be orthogonal to the vector signal X transformation Y = QX, called the KL transform transform (K-LT or KLT).)
    2011-05-13 10:57:30下载
  • practica-hoja-5
    Escribir un programa que calcule el polinomio de interpolacion de lagrange de una funcion en unos puntos dados mediante la formula de newton,y que permite añ adir nuevos puntos de interpolacion,dibujar la funcion y el polinomio de interpolacion obtenido,hacer una version que sirva para interpolar los valores de una tabla dibujando,en este caso solo en el polinomio de interpolacion.
    2013-11-20 11:22:07下载
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