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于 2013-05-28 发布 文件大小:243KB
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  有一存储很多商品数据(每件商品的属性先后包括:品名、规格、单价(有小数位)、数量,数据的最长长度分别为20、10、6、5,在文件中以空格为分隔,每个商品的数据占一行)的文本文件,从键盘输入某种商品的品名,要求在文件中查找有无相应品名商品(可能有多条记录或没有),若有则在屏幕上显示出相应的商品的品名、规格、数量、单价(显示时,品名、规格、数量、单价之间使用逗号(,)作分隔,单价显示时只显示2位小数),若无则显示没有相应品名的商品。 (There are a lot of goods stored data (each item has the attributes include: name, size, price (with decimal places), quantity, the maximum length of the data were 20,10,6,5, a space in the file is separated The data for each item per line) text file, input from the keyboard of a commodity name, asked whether the corresponding file for the product name (may be multiple records or did not), if it is displayed on the screen of the corresponding product name, size, quantity, unit price (display, name, size, quantity, unit price between a comma (,) as a separator, price display shows only two decimal places), if not then show no corresponding product name .)



0 个回复

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