Qt的windows商业版本提供了ActiveQt这个framework,使用这个组件我们可以在Qt中使用ActiveX控件。 这个代码提供了基本的Excel操作范例:打开 关闭 读写 另外,还实现了如何在Excel中插入散点图图表并添加趋势线,获取趋势线方程。 可以供进一步开发参考之用。 QAxContainer不包含在QtCore里面,所以要使用这里的代码的话还必须要在.pro文件中添加CONFIG+=qaxcontainer。 配套说明详见这里: http://blog.csdn.net/fcqwin/article/details/17885557(Qt provides a commercial version of windows ActiveQt this framework, we can use this component to use ActiveX controls in Qt. This code provides the basic Excel operations Example: opening and closing reader Also, realize how to insert a Scatter chart in Excel and add trend lines to get the trend line equation. Can be used for further development of reference. QAxContainer not included in QtCore inside, so you want to use this code, then you must also want to add CONFIG+ = qaxcontainer in. Pro file. See complete instructions here: http://blog.csdn.net/fcqwin/article/details/17885557)