分析了影响多雷达组网对目标跟踪精度的因素以及与单雷达的差异,提出了定义雷达网目 标定位精度,以及评估多雷达组网后在目标定位精度方面带来增益的方法。推导了雷达网对目标定 位精度和相应评估指标的估计公式。该文方法不要大量的计算机仿真就可以方便地评估2-D、3- D以及混合雷达网的目标定位精度和效能。通过应用实例说明了该文方法的优点和有效性。 (The factors that affect the location accuracy of target tracked by multi-radar are analyzed.The method to define target location accuracy and the metrics to evaluate the accuracy improvement efficiency of a radar net- work are presented.The analytical expressions are developed to estimate the target location accuracy and the effi- ciency metricsof a radar network.The presented method is convenient to evaluate the target location accuracy and the efficiency of 2-D,3-D as well as the heterogeneous radar network instead of the tedious computer simula- tions.The advantages and the validity of the method are demonstrated by an application. )