呼叫中心是IP-PBX技术与传统呼叫中心的完美融合,企业无需自己购买服务器,即可拥有专业的呼叫中心服务。它将座席分配给位于不同地点的不同企业使用,集呼叫中心、电话营销、客户关系管理、销售任务管理、短信、传真等功能于一体,为现代化企业量身打造的综合通信服务平台。(Call center is IP-PBX technology and the perfect fusion of traditional call center, companies do not need to buy their own servers, you can have a professional call center service. It will seat assigned to different enterprises located in different places to use, set the call center, telephone marketing, customer relationship management, task management, SMS, fax marketing and other functions in one, integrated communication service platform for modern enterprises tailored.)
- 2014-06-18 23:00:03下载
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DTU短信接受发送测试,可用于测试DTU的接收发送功能(Send a test message to accept DTU)
- 2013-06-28 15:07:02下载
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SMAL是short message abstract library的缩写,是由风起水流软件工作室(www.zealware.com)开发的一个支持短信网关系统开发的C++底层抽象接口库,通过对移动、联通、网通、电信等运营商使用的各种短信协议和底层通信的抽象封装,SMAL实现了一个高度自适应的短信协议栈,包括CMPP,SGIP,SMPP,SMGP,CNGP,EMPP等短信协议,同时可以很方便地在上面扩展实现新的协议和自定义的内部协议等。
SMAL目前支持的协议包括中国移动的CMPP2.0,CMPP3.0,中国联通的 SGIP1.2, SGIP1.2修订版,中国电信的SMGP2.0,SMGP3.0,中国网通的CNGP2.0,和国际标准SMPP3.3,SMPP3.4,以及企信通协议EMPP等。(SMAL is a short message abstract library acronym by wind currents from studio software (www.zealware.com) to develop a support system developed by SMS Gateway C++ Underlying abstract interface library, through the Mobile, Unicom, Netcom and telecommunications operators using a variety of messaging protocols and the bottom of the abstract communications package, SMAL achieve a highly adaptive messaging protocol stack, including the CMPP, SGIP, SMPP, SMGP, CNGP, EMPP such as SMS agreement, at the same time can be easily above the realization of the new agreement to expand and customize the internal agreement. SMAL currently supports the agreement, including China Mobile CMPP2.0, CMPP3.0, China Unicom SGIP1.2, SGIP1.2 revised edition, China Telecom SMGP2.0, SMGP3.0, China Netcom CNGP2.0, and international Standard SMPP3.3, SMPP3.4, as well as enterprises, such as ICT EMPP agreement.)
- 2009-01-05 22:45:41下载
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近几年来,全球通信技术的发展日新月异,尤其是无线通信技术的发展速度与应用领域已经超过了固定通信技术,呈现出如火如荼的发展态势。它具有无需架设传输线、网络部署迅速便捷、运行可靠和调试简单等优点。其中最具代表性的蜂窝移动通信技术,使人们可以随时随地实现语音通信、短信息传输等。但对于中短距离的自动化数据采集系统、计算机遥测遥控系统、车辆监控系统、小区智能管理和矿工定位等领域,移动通信系统的安装、运行成本是比较高的,因此笔者给出了一种低成本、具有短信息和语音传输功能的无线监控系统设计方案(In recent years, global communications technology is advancing rapidly, In particular, wireless communications technology development and application rate has exceeded the fixed communications technologies, showing the development trend in full swing. It is not set up transmission lines, the network quickly and easily deployed, reliable and simple debugging advantages. One of the most representative of the cellular mobile communication technology, it makes people realize voice communication anywhere, short message transmission. But for short distance from the automated data collection system, the computer remote monitoring and control systems, vehicle monitoring system, Intelligent Management Area miners and positioning, and other fields, mobile communication system for the installation, o)
- 2007-05-12 09:50:05下载
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短信接口 短信接口 短信接口 短信接口 短信接口 短信接口(SMS Interface)
- 2013-12-03 18:54:52下载
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书友会短信发送系统由基础信息模块、短信管理模块、短信投票模块、系统管理模块等几部分组成。由VC实现(The book club messages sent from several parts of the basic information module, SMS module, SMS voting module, the system management module. By the VC in)
- 2012-05-21 23:16:43下载
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西门子TC35短信模块开打算打算 发资料(13123123)
- 2009-12-11 09:45:04下载
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一个基于串口的手机短信发送/接收程序;Demo很简单,是以异步方式读写串口的;在对话框初始化中修改串口的配置参数正确后,能100 的正常发送/接收短信(Based on the serial port of a cell phone message to send/receive process Demo is very simple, based on asynchronous serial reading and writing at initialization dialog box to modify the configuration of serial port parameters correctly, the can 100 of the normal Send/receive message)
- 2009-03-13 14:09:32下载
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SP短消息平台,非常GOOD的(SP short messaging platform, the very GOOD)
- 2005-03-01 11:46:22下载
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中国移动互联网短信网关接口协议(China Mobile Internet SMS Gateway Interface Protocol)
- 2004-11-08 09:35:28下载
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