精美的个人网页模板,有完整的文件,可以自己进行修改,展现个性。(Beautiful personal Web page templates, a complete file, can themselves be modified to show personality.)
- 2011-09-25 00:27:04下载
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国外商业的网站广告交换程序,能给你带来可观的流量和人气.(Foreign exchange business website advertising program, you can bring considerable traffic and popularity.)
- 2016-06-27 19:11:28下载
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一个简单的聊天室,能显示发言人姓名、发言内容和发言时间。(A simple chat rooms, can display a spokesman for the names of speakers and speaking time.)
- 2008-01-07 17:39:59下载
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装潢公司网站,ASP.NET编写。网站使用access数据库,后台地址 admin/login.aspx,登陆帐号和密码: 51aspx / 51aspx 。 (Packaging company website, ASP.NET website using the access , address the admin/login background. Aspx, login account and password: 51 aspx / 51 aspx)
- 2016-10-25 20:27:17下载
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海盗云商网店系统是采用PHP+MySQL方式运行的开源电子商务网店程序,轻架构,高效率简易开发,助你快速搭建并轻松管理网店站点。(Pirates cloud providers store system is the use of open source online shop e-commerce program run PHP+ MySQL, lightweight architecture, the development of high efficiency simple, to help you quickly build and easily manage the shop site.)
- 2020-07-03 01:20:02下载
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资源描述功能强大,系统具备完整的竞拍流程,可以自由定制 ,相关方面同学可以学习下。
- 2022-08-09 02:21:34下载
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该项目采用的技术为Spring SpringMVC mybatis maven mysql,包含了常规商城项目的所有模块:用户模块、商品模块、商品分类模块、购物车模块、订单模块、公告模块、留言评价模块、管理员模块。非常适合出入职场的同学学习或者面试
- 2020-12-04下载
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首先我们申明,MVMMALL不会为了吸引市场的眼球而做违背程序所具有的品质(当然是精品). 闻道有先后,术业有专攻.几年的网店开发经验及高效的开发团队 使得MVMMALL能在网店系统行业中做得更好,更精! 做事并不难,难的是做好一件事,难上加难的是一直做一件事!(First, we affirm, MVMMALL not to attract the attention of the market and do violate the program has the quality (of course, is fine). Road have been heard, industry specializing in surgery a few years of experience in the development shop and efficient development team makes MVMMALL shop system can do better in the industry and more refined! work is not difficult, the difficulty is to do the one thing that has been difficult to do one thing!)
- 2016-07-18 21:48:36下载
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利用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的电子商务,Difeye-敏捷的轻量级PHP框架 v1.1.2,Difeye是一款超轻量级PHP框架,主要特点有: 数据库连接做自动主从读写分离配置,适合单机和分布式站点部署; 支持Smarty模板机制,可灵活配置第三方缓存组件; 完全分离页面和动作,仿C#页面加载自动执行Page_Load,参考的例子程序供学习参看(Use php to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php ecommerce , Difeye- agile and lightweight PHP framework v1.1.2, Difeye is an ultra lightweight PHP framework , the main features are: database connection for automatic master-slave)
- 2013-08-04 10:58:09下载
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说明: 仓库库存管理,入货管理,出货管理,进销管理(Warehouse inventory management, incoming management and outgoing management)
- 2020-04-01 17:36:43下载
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