利用matlab的simulink工具进行最优化的设计,谢谢(Presentation and demo files for MathWorks webinar "Introduction to Simulink Design Optimization)
- 2009-03-31 11:15:06下载
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判別分析法(discriminant analysis),是在已知的分類之下,一旦遇到有新的樣本時,可以利用此法選定一判別標準,以判定如何該將新樣本放置於那個族群中。
(Discriminant analysis (discriminant analysis), under the classification of the known event of the new sample, the method has been applied to select a criterion to determine how the new sample is placed in that population.)
- 2012-04-26 14:01:52下载
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matlab时频分析工具箱,时频分析工具箱包括短时傅立叶变换和二次型时频分析以及各种时频分析的matlab代码(The Time-Frequency Toolbox (TFTB) is a collection of about 100 scripts
for GNU Octave and Matlab (R) developed for the analysis of
non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions. It is
primary intended for researchers and engineers with some basic
knowledge in signal processing.)
- 2009-07-14 20:41:43下载
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说明: 关于无线传感器的LEACH改进的协议,是基于改进粒子群算法的,很有帮助(LEACH for Wireless Sensor improved protocol is based on improved particle swarm algorithm, useful)
- 2011-03-23 15:00:24下载
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利用户相关进行图像配准,精度高,希望对读者有所帮助。(image registration with cross corr)
- 2009-04-28 10:29:29下载
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one neccessary program for neural network training in control
- 2009-11-14 01:52:07下载
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Shapiro提出的内嵌零树小波编码算法(EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet),其出发点在于小波变换后各级子带系数之间在空间上和方向上所呈现出带间相似性,这种空间相似性可以用一种新型的数据结构--零树(Zerotree).EZW算法就是充分利用这种相似性,获得高性能的图像编码算法.(Shapiro' s embedded zero tree wavelet coding algorithm (EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet), whose starting point is at all levels of sub-band wavelet transform coefficients and the direction in space with the similarity between shows, this space can be similar with a new data structure- zero tree (Zerotree). EZW algorithm is to take full advantage of this similarity, access to high-performance image coding algorithms.)
- 2010-12-20 21:39:53下载
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基于MATLAB的自适应遗传算法的代码实现(Adaptive genetic algorithm based on MATLAB)
- 2015-03-23 17:21:09下载
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具有Levy飞行特征的foa算法,对果蝇优化算法的改进(Levy flight characteristics of foa algorithm)
- 2020-11-25 16:29:33下载
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A new carrier synchronizationalgorithm that is carrier recovery strategy is proposed for all digital receivers that is all digital (
A new carrier synchronization algorithmthat is carrier recovery )
- 2009-03-25 10:26:51下载
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