首页 » Fortran » sod-problem-by-MacCormack


于 2014-01-03 发布 文件大小:10KB
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  一维 问题,即激波管问题,是一个典型的一维可压缩无黏气体动力学问题,并有 解析解。对它采用二阶精度 两步差分格式进行数值求解。(Use MacCormack difference scheme for solving a two-dimensional shock tube problem)



0 个回复

  • EM-and-antenna-field
    该文件解决了电磁场和天线问题计算当中的近远场转换的问题,它也可以应用在一般散射问题的求解中。(this file contains an algorithm that could solve problems within the EM and antenna near to far field questions. Also, it could be used in general scattering problems.)
    2012-11-20 16:07:13下载
  • ADAM
    说明:  ADAM (Adaptive Moment Estimation)是另外一种自适应学习率算法,它结合动量梯度 下降法,在不同参数方向上采用不同学习率,保留前几次迭代的梯度,能够很好 的适应于稀疏数据。(ADAM (Adaptive Moment Estimation) is another adaptive learning rate algorithm, which combines momentum gradient. The descent method, which uses different learning rates in different parameter directions and retains the gradients of previous iterations, is very good. It is suitable for sparse data.)
    2019-04-09 19:59:50下载
  • Job-niantan-s-t-1
    abaqus粘弹性人工边界,手动添加比较简单的模型(learning abaqus)
    2013-09-18 21:30:46下载
  • Numerical-Linear-Algebra
    数值代数通常也称为矩阵计算,是以计算机为工具来求解各种数学模型的主要课程,同时也是计算方法课程的延续和深入(Numerical algebra also commonly called matrix calculation is based on the computer as a tool to solve a variety of mathematical models of the main course, but also the calculation method of curriculum continuity and depth)
    2016-04-21 19:07:55下载
  • bcs_vb
    一个基础贝叶斯变换的压缩感知,包含一个源代码和一个一维信号处理的例子和两个二维图像的例子(The basic BCS implemented via a variational Bayesian approach. The package includes the core VB-BCS code, one example of a 1-dimensional signal and two examples of 2-dimensional images.)
    2020-06-30 18:20:02下载
  • Umat-strain
    说明:  复合材料单向板损伤模拟的Umat子程序,配合ABAQUS进行损伤模拟。(A umat subroutine for the simulation of composite meterials damage.)
    2020-09-05 11:04:24下载
  • nei-ba43
    外文资料里面的源代码,使用高阶累积量对MPSK信号进行调制识别,wolf 方法计算李雅普诺夫指数。( Foreign materials inside the source code, Using high-order cumulants of MPSK signal modulation recognition, wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent.)
    2017-04-02 13:14:54下载
  • rinex
    读取RENIX文件(GPS导航电文),进行卫星轨道坐标解算,并将结果生成TXT文件输出。(The program can read standard RENIX file(Satellite navigation message file of GPS). and calculate the cordinate of Satellite (X,Y,Z). it will give an TXT format result.)
    2021-04-16 21:38:53下载
  • fun_fx86
    采用了小波去噪的思想,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机,包括邓氏关联度、绝对关联度、斜率关联度、改进绝对关联度。( Using wavelet denoising thought, matlab development toolbox support vector machine, Including Deng s correlation, absolute correlation, correlation of slope, improved absolute correlation.)
    2017-04-10 13:45:38下载
  • Runge-kutta
    4阶龙格库塔解二阶微分方程,使用matlab软件编程进行渐进计算。(4th order Runge-Kutta solution of second-order equations)
    2020-12-20 15:59:09下载
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