首页 » EasyLanguage易语言 » qa121066


于 2012-02-15 发布 文件大小:26KB
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  用易编写的小例子,效果:千里眼 v1.2易语言存在误报请谨慎下载(Easy to use to write a small example, effect: TeleEye v1.2 easy language in the presence of false positives carefully please download)



0 个回复

  • 32769
    搜狗音乐盒源码,程序结合易语言互联网支持库,读取网页内容解析出MP3播放文件地址。(Sogou music box source code , the program combined with easy language support library Internet , read web content to play MP3 files parsed address .)
    2017-04-17 12:38:13下载
  • Get-information
    易语言,用来得到硬盘信息。借助DLL取硬盘信息(To obtain the hard disk information)
    2012-11-05 14:18:15下载
  • 5423
    优酷播放地址采集源码程序,结合易语言互联网支持库,读取优酷网页代码,分析网页代码中的播放地址。(Youku player source address collection program , combined with easy language support library Internet , read Youku page code page code analysis of broadcast address .)
    2017-07-08 10:46:42下载
  • 16283
    全文翻译小工具源码,程序结合易语言模块彗星HTTP应用模块.ec,实现网络翻译功能。(Full translation gadget source program combined with easy language module Comet HTTP application modules .ec, achieve network translation .)
    2017-05-05 09:27:50下载
  • 58366
    图像傅利叶变换源码程序,结合易语言位图操作支持库,通过傅利叶公式的计算变化图像。(Fourier transform image source program , combined with easy language support library bitmap operations , by calculating the Fourier formula change images.)
    2017-08-08 17:36:44下载
  • 刷票用的小东东,一次可以刷100票
    刷票用的小东东,一次可以刷100票,有模块,另付出。(Brush ticket with the little things, once you can brush 100 votes, there is a module, the other pay. )
    2015-10-07 22:14:26下载
  • 4764
    网页表单自动提交源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,实现IE类和网页类的面向对象应用,可以取得网页的基本信息源码。(Automatically submitted web form source code , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , object-oriented classes and web applications like IE , you can get basic information about the source page .)
    2017-09-29 13:30:23下载
  • 3
    易语言风行电影BT种子猎取器源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,读取网页内容,解析网页数据,得到BT种子下载地址。 本易语言例程还使用到易语言第三方辅助调试支持库和易语言模块新编码转换大全.ec。(BT seed Hunter code routine program of easy language wind movie combines easy language to expand interface support library, read web page content, parse web data, and get BT seed download address. This easy language routine is also used in the easy language third party auxiliary debugging support library and the easy language module new code conversion Daquan.Ec.)
    2018-06-14 10:29:25下载
  • 811299
    自动抠图去除背景源码程序,结合易语言位图操作支持库,可以自动截取图片,去除单色背景叠加背景图。(Cutout source program automatically remove the background , combined with easy language support library bitmap operations , can automatically intercept the image , removing a solid background superimposed background .)
    2016-08-09 19:26:09下载
  • yincangzhuomiantubiao
    这个是易语言源码,首先声明不懂易语言的不要下,毒软误报的问题不再解释,源码内容:隐藏桌面图标(This is an easy language source code, first of all do not understand the language, not poisonous, soft false problem will not explain, source: hide desktop icons)
    2011-12-08 20:44:25下载
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