将RGB彩色空间转换到HSI彩色空间,HSI彩色空间更接近人眼对彩色的认知。(The RGB color space conversion to the HSI color space, HSI color space is closer to the human eye color perception.)
- 2013-08-18 08:12:48下载
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Sobel算子边缘增强算法,利用梯度下降原理边缘化图象(Sobel operator enhancement algorithms, using gradient descent principle marginalized image)
- 2007-06-26 12:18:22下载
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一个有关边缘检测 robert sobel FFT傅里叶变换等算法的demo(a demo using VC++ that implements the algorithms of edge detection and FFT)
- 2010-05-21 14:32:48下载
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这是图像处理中HSV课件颜色特征提取(将H5等份,S,V分量各三等份)MATLAB源码。(This is the image processing in HSV color feature extraction software (to be H5 equal, S, V component of the third class) MATLAB source.)
- 2008-05-18 10:33:19下载
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说明: 使用MATLAB生成二维voronoi图的代码,可以用作后续二维voronoi的多晶模型建立(The code of two-dimensional Voronoi diagram generated by MATLAB can be used to build the polycrystalline model of two-dimensional voronoi.)
- 2021-01-06 22:38:53下载
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计算峰值旁瓣比和积分旁瓣比的MATLAB程序(A MATLAB program for calculating the peak sidelobe ratio and the integral sidelobe ratio)
- 2021-04-08 10:09:01下载
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说明: 本部分源码是处理静态图像时候,需要的一部分代码,希望对于那些正在研究图像处理技术的朋友有用。(This section is the source when dealing with a static image, the need for part of the code, I hope for those who are studying image processing technology useful friends.)
- 2008-12-02 19:29:41下载
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大量图片的处理代码,特别是图片的批量处理,非常有利于在处理图片时使用(A large number of image processing code, especially images of batch processing, image processing is very conducive to the use of)
- 2013-09-14 11:35:48下载
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Mallat算法和Atrous算法实现任意一维信号和二维图像的分解与重构。(Mallat algorithm and Atrous algorithm to achieve the arbitrary one-dimensional signals and two-dimensional image decomposition and reconstruction.)
- 2012-04-15 10:17:21下载
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超高斯光束在自由空间中的衍射传播,利用角谱理论。(Super-Gaussian beam diffraction propagation in free space, the use of the angular spectrum theory.)
- 2014-05-25 22:18:33下载
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