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于 2012-12-03 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  直接线性变换DLT,直接由像平面坐标到地面空间坐标的直接变换,可用于量测相机,非量测相机(本人用的是 高速相机)。配合前方交会验证l系数的准确与否。以DLT得到的结果为初值,用光束法平差可以期望得到更高精度。是数字摄影测量课程作业的例子。(Direct linear transformation DLT, and the direct conversion of coordinates directly from the image plane to the ground space coordinates, the camera can be used for measuring the non-measurement camera (I use a high-speed camera). Tie the forward intersection verify l coefficient accurate or not. To the the DLT results obtained for the initial value, bundle adjustment can expect greater accuracy. Examples of digital photogrammetry course work.)





0 个回复

  • KNearestclass
    使用K近邻算法对一个2维德样本集进行分类,样本集的分布为混合高斯分布。(K nearest neighbor to use a 2 Verde sample set for classification, the distribution of sample set for mixed Gaussian distribution.)
    2008-06-25 04:50:13下载
  • NumberRecognize
    根据RBM深度网络(Hinton,2006)进行MINST手写文字的分类器的训练,利用训练得到的权值制作了这个小程序,通过这个程序可以看出训练结果对数据集内的测试样本和训练样本都能进行很好的识别,但是对其他的手写字体识别就没有那么好了。(According to RBM depth network (Hinton, 2006) conducted MINST handwritten text classifier training, using the training to get the right value to produce this small program, this program can be seen through the results of the training data set and the training sample test samples are can be well identified, but on the other handwriting recognition is not so good.)
    2013-10-17 15:55:34下载
  • polsar
    polsarpro软件的使用说明,适合处理极化SAR图像。(polsarpro the software instructions for dealing with polarization SAR images.)
    2009-11-21 17:21:07下载
  • RC_C++
    说明:  显著性检测的代码,是程明明在12年的CVPR的文章,HC,RC的算法源码。(The code for saliency detection is the source code of Cheng Mingming's CVPR article, HC, RC, in 12 years.)
    2018-03-27 21:14:02下载
  • EDLines 快速直线检测算子
    EDLines是一种快速直线检测算子,2012年在ICCV上提出,也是目前处理直线检测最快的算法之一,该算法包含三个步骤:(1)边缘提取:利用Edge Drawing (ED)算法[28,29]从灰度图像中提取边缘片段;(2)线段检测:利用最小二乘法提取直线段;(3)线段确认:遵循Helmholtz定律,从已提取的直线段中摒弃虚假线段。EDLines算法的优越性得益于Edge Drawing (ED)算法能够从灰度图像中准确、快速、稳定地提取出光滑、完整的边缘片段。Edge Drawing (ED)算法包含以下步骤: (1)采用size=5*5,σ=1的高斯核对灰度图像进行平滑滤波,去除噪声; (2)采用一种常用的梯度算子,如Prewitt、Sobel或Scharr等计算平滑后图像中每个像素点的梯度幅度和梯度方向; (3)将梯度图中邻域内幅度最大的像素点标记为锚点,这些锚点成为图像边缘点(edge elements)的概率很大; (4)将相邻的锚点连接成边缘线。从一个锚点起始,ED利用相邻像素的梯度幅度和方向在梯度为最大值的锚点之间游走。 (Edge Drawing (ED) is our recently-proposed, novel, fast edge detection algorithm. What makes ED stand out the existing edge detectors, e.g., Canny, is the following: While the other edge detectors give out a binary edge image as output, where the etected edge pixels are usually independent, discontinuous entities ED produces a set of edge segments, which are clean, contiguous, i.e., connected, chains of edge pixels. Thus, while the output of the other edge detectors requires urther processing to generate potential object boundaries, which may not even be possible or result in inaccuracies ED not only produces perfectly connected object boundaries by default, but it also achieves this in blazing speed compared to other edge detector.)
    2021-03-22 16:29:16下载
  • VCdetuxingchuli
    VC的图形处理以及简单的程序设计,简单易懂(VC graphics processing and simple program design, simple and understandable )
    2011-12-13 16:41:34下载
  • vbimageerzhua
    说明:  用VB做的图像二值化的代码,希望能对大家有帮助(vb image test)
    2010-03-22 12:36:03下载
  • gdal1.4.5
    很有用的gdal库,并且已经编译好。请多多指教!(It is a very good resource!Please download!!)
    2011-12-08 09:31:56下载
  • SIFT_area_match
    说明:  SIFT算法的区域匹配,比原有的SIFT+KD树匹配更加高效、准确。(different area SIFT algorithm which is better than the original SIFT and KD tree match.)
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