

于 2015-04-19 发布 文件大小:112KB
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  实时替换网页内容易语言源码,程序结合易语言互联网支持库和超文本浏览框支持库调用,使用服务器组件发送搜索请求,再使用“HTTP读文件”命令读取返回的搜索网页内容。(Real-time web content easily replace language source code , the program combines easy language support libraries and the Internet hypertext browsing box support library calls , use the server component sends a search request , then use the HTTP read file command to read the return of the search page content.)



0 个回复

  • 939030
    简单好友聊天工具源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,使用服务器和客户组件实现好友聊天功能。(Friends simple chat tool source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the use of server and client components to achieve friends chat.)
    2018-04-26 16:24:49下载
  • 048240
    仿QQ快捷启动菜单源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和易语言模块,调用API函数模仿实现QQ快捷启动菜单功能。(Imitation QQ quick start menu source , the program combined with easy language and easy language support library expansion interface module , call the API function imitate achieve QQ quick start menu functions.)
    2017-06-27 19:31:10下载
  • 45983
    取系统信息源码例程,程序结合易语言网络通讯支持库和应用接口支持库,取系统的IP、MAC、主机名、版本等信息。(Take source system routines, programs combined network communication easy language support library and application interface support library , take the system IP, MAC, host name , version, and other information.)
    2016-09-03 20:16:09下载
  • 609131
    因特网隐私管理源码,例程主要针对系统使用网络时留存的网络信息,包括Cookie管理、History管理、Cache管理、Cache对应本地路径。(Internet privacy management source , routine primary network information for the system using the network retained , including Cookie Manager , History Management , Cache management , Cache the corresponding local path.)
    2018-01-10 19:15:26下载
  • Blackhawk-far-control-source-delphi
    黑鹰远控源码看名字就知道了可以用自己改成自己想要的样子 (Black Hawk far the control source to see the name will know to change the way they want with their own)
    2012-06-26 12:50:32下载
  • 26883
    运行外部程序与打开指定网址源码,程序调用API函数实现运行外部程序。(Run an external program and open the specified URL source code, the program calls API functions to run an external program.)
    2014-10-22 17:32:02下载
  • 357463
    定时关机,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Timing shutdown, application programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-10-26 11:10:44下载
  • 031407
    取共享会话详细信息源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数取共享会话详细信息。(Take share session details the source, routine program combining easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls take share session details.)
    2016-10-11 10:18:46下载
  • bianjingkuangquwenben
    这个是易语言源码,首先声明不懂易语言的不要下,毒软误报的问题不再解释,源码内容:编辑框取任意文本(This is the easy language code, the first statement easy to understand language not under-virus software is no longer explain the problem of false positives, Source Content: Take any text edit box)
    2011-11-26 12:09:55下载
  • HP_Socket
    全新的socket 协议写法,新手值得学习,老鸟也应该看看(The new socket protocol writing, novice worth learning, veterans should look)
    2015-01-18 15:05:37下载
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