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于 2015-04-18 发布 文件大小:1872KB
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  智能图像处理提出了一种改进的基于特征和回归分析的人群密度估计算法。引入图像中的角点个数作为低层特征(Interactive Images: Cuboid Proxies for Smart Image Manipulation)


image segmention
................\Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks.pdf,2071784,2015-04-03
........\image segmention
........\................\._Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks.pdf,177,2015-04-03



0 个回复

  • cheliangjiance
    这是我的课程设计作业,作用是测试车流量,对车辆进行定位分割,已验证成功内附测试视频(This is my course design work, the role is to test the traffic flow, the vehicle positioning and segmentation, has been successfully included in the test video)
    2017-05-05 20:45:25下载
  • BHSM
    说明:  灰度直方图双峰法分割,传统的分割方法。适合初学者学习。(Bimodal histogram segmentation method)
    2010-05-02 21:05:53下载
  • medcalinhance
    本程序实现医学图像的增强,实验显示,处理后的医学图像轮廓清晰,可识性较好。(This procedure to achieve medical image enhancement, experiments showed that the treated medical image outline a clear, identifiable better.)
    2021-01-26 23:18:41下载
  • 192168291092007531155683305865
    Image Watershed Segmentation图像边缘提取(Image Watershed Segmentation Image Edge Detection)
    2007-08-11 09:18:48下载
  • pinghua
    实现对图像平滑模糊,有简单平滑、高斯模糊和中值滤波三种可选,基于OPenCV类库实现,代码可直接运行(Achieve a smooth blur the image, a simple smooth, Gaussian blur and median filtering three options, OPenCV-based library, the code can be run directly)
    2014-06-13 16:45:36下载
  • Qass
    源码用于计算不同的重建图像方法得到图像的质量评估检测(Source used to calculate the different image reconstruction methods to assess the quality of the image detection)
    2020-11-10 15:19:46下载
  • 新建文件夹
    说明:  检测火灾,本课题为基于matlab的火灾检测识别,烟雾报警,火焰检测,通过几何参数判别,即面积增长率,角度等。完美运行。(Detection of fire, this topic is based on the MATLAB fire detection and recognition, smoke alarm, flame detection, through the geometric parameters, that is, area growth rate, angle and so on. Perfect operation.)
    2020-03-03 15:21:18下载
  • GI
    说明:  GI 鬼成像源代码,关联算法和一些数据读取存储等问题 的解决方案(ghost imaging code)
    2013-06-03 15:03:43下载
  • Wavelet-image-denoising
    基于小波包图像去噪 很好用的程序 小波去噪(Good use of the procedure of wavelet denoising based on wavelet packet image denoising)
    2012-05-01 18:39:31下载
  • hongwaileida
    针对粒子概率假设密度(PH D)滤波算法在虚警、漏检情况下,b标状态估计不稳定和b标可观测性车弱的问题,提出了一种基于序贯融合的粒子PH D滤波方法,利用雷达和红外传感器多目标进行融合跟踪杏基本思想是先对红外传感器进行粒子PH D滤波,丙将红外传感器滤波结果作为雷达的预测值,然后利用P达观测的数据进行更新,这样通过雷达和红外传感器交替上作保证目标状态的可观测性,从滤波器输出结身即可得到目标的状态信息仿真结果表明,在虚警、漏检和密集目标环境下,该方法是有效的和稳健的(The problem of target state estimation instability and observability weakerin the presence offalse alarms and missed detection was deal with. On the basis of sequential fusion, a particleprobabil- ity hypothesis density(PHD) filter for multrsensor multrtarget tracking was proposed. Observed da to collected from the infrared sensor was estimated with the particle PHD filter. Then the results from the filter were set as the radar predicted value by the radar observations. The multrtarget state can be updated to guarantee observing the target state. In this way, the global state is updated at the fusion center. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effective and robust under the false warning, omission and concentrated target environment. )
    2012-03-06 16:27:41下载
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