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于 2014-02-19 发布 文件大小:3002KB
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  PE Explorer(pexplorer)是功能强悍的软件汉化工具,也是大家常用的反编译工具,能可视化翻遍Delphi、C++ 、VB等语言编写的程序,另外,还具备有W32DASM 软件的反编译能力和PEditor 软件的 PE 文件头编辑功能,可以更容易的分析源代码,修复损坏了的资源,还能任意修改程序内置的资源、信息,可以处理的文件格式包括EXE、DLL、DRV、BPL、DPL、SYS、CPL、OCX、SCR 等32位可执行程序。PE Explorer V1.99 R6 汉化版在该工具中附加了UPX脱壳插件。(PE Explorer (pexplorer) is a function powerful software localization tool, is also commonly used anti compiler tool, can turn over Delphi, C++, visual VB language program, in addition, also has a PE file with W32DASM software decompile capacity and PEditor software editing function, can be the source code analysis easier., repair damaged resources, can modify the program built-in resources, information, can handle file formats including EXE, DLL, DRV, BPL, DPL, SYS, CPL, OCX, SCR, 32 bit executable program. PE Explorer V1.99 R6 Chinese version attached to UPX hulling plug-ins in the tool.)



0 个回复

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