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于 2013-12-26 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  换热器的j,f因子是评定其性能的重要参数,通过编程计算能够更加简便快捷(J, f is a factor important to assess the performance parameters of the heat exchanger, through the calculation can be more easily and quickly programmed)



0 个回复

  • eetop.cn_Simulink
    simulink简明教程,初步了解simulink的使用方式(simulink simple tutorial a preliminary understanding of the usage simulink)
    2010-01-14 13:16:41下载
  • MATLAB0002
    初学matlab的教程,比较全面,比较实用,此部分为第二部分。(Matlab beginner tutorial, more comprehensive, more practical, this part of the second part.)
    2013-07-16 22:24:11下载
  • Skin
    BRC MATLAB code for BRC.fig BRC, by itself, creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton*. H = BRC returns the handle to a new BRC or the handle to the existing singleton CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in BRC.M with the given input arguments.BRC Property , Value ,...) creates a new BRC or raises the existing singleton.Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before BRC_OpeningFcn gets called.An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to BRC_OpeningFcn via varargin.See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one.instance to run (singleton)".Edit the above text to modify the response to help.Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
    2011-08-30 17:22:12下载
  • sa-pso
    粒子群算法,利用粒子群算法求目标函数的最优问题,极大值或极小值(code for particle swarm optimization method written in MATLAB)
    2020-12-31 11:48:59下载
  • embedded-lecture-01
    a good lecture for people who want to start working with embedded systems
    2013-12-12 04:01:56下载
  • MATLABprogrammingCH07
    這是一本MATLAB程式設計延伸技巧程式書本上的程式碼CH7(一次無法全部上傳會斷線)(This is an extension of MATLAB programming skills in program code books CH7)
    2010-05-27 14:16:17下载
  • GA_sin2x_sinx
    Genetic Algorithms - Optimization and Example
    2010-11-03 22:50:43下载
  • ecg11
    this is ecg preprocesing in ecg beats
    2014-10-20 02:03:21下载
  • voyageur-de-commerce
    c est un document qui traite le d application d un algorithme génétique au problème du voyageur de commerce
    2009-12-14 01:25:44下载
  • guangyizuixiaofangcha
    说明:  这是黑龙江大学自动控制专业杨易鹏同学用matlab编写的广义最小二乘算法!(Heilongjiang University automation Yang Yi Peng students using Matlab prepared by the generalized least squares algorithm!)
    2006-03-29 15:01:11下载
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