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于 2013-12-25 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  • emWin
    energy emwin驱动程序,可驱动彩屏及相关LCD控制器(energy emwin)
    2013-04-22 18:21:35下载
  • SOES-master
    Simple Open Source EtherCAT Slave ==== SOES (Simple OpenSource EtherCAT Slave Stack) is an opensource slave stack that is very easy to use and provides a small footprint. It is a good alternative to more complex stacks on the market. Overview SOES is an EtherCAT slave stack written in c. Its purpose is to learn and to use. All users are invited to study the source to get an understanding how an EtherCAT slave functions. Features as of 1.0.0: - Address offset based HAL for easy ESC read/write access via any interface - Mailbox with data link layer - CoE - Object dictionary - SDO read and write for all sizes including segmented transfers - Easy portable C-code suited for embedded applications - Fixed PDO mapping - FoE with bootstrap template - Support for Little and Big endian targets. - Polling for interrupts
    2016-11-01 10:09:23下载
  • key
    按键判断 进行行扫描m表示对应的行数 n表示对应的列数 对应数值亮(Judgment keystroke scan lines express the corresponding m number of rows n that corresponds to the number of rows corresponding numerical Liang)
    2008-05-01 09:31:56下载
  • Chip-electronic-bell-million-years
    单片机万历年电子钟Chip electronic bell million years(Chip electronic bell million years)
    2013-11-15 15:16:49下载
  • ADtest
    DMM-32x-AT 板卡AD 测试程序(program for AD test of board DMM-32x-AT)
    2014-12-14 11:03:15下载
  • Full2012
    1. 本研究利用 PCA 对可见-近红外(450~1 000 nm)、可见光(450~780 nm)和近红外(780~1 000 nm)光谱区域的苹果高光谱图像数据进行降维,获得 PC 图像,通过对 PC 图像进行分析,确定可用于分割损伤和正常区域的有效光谱区域,对比分析几个光谱区域的 PCA 的效果。(but currently no practical system for detecting blood spots and dirt stains exists. In order to obtain maximum throughput, processing speeds of over 85,000 eggs per hour are common. The demanding requirements placed on the human workers result in two types of grading errors)
    2013-09-03 16:30:05下载
  • PWM-ULN2003A
    利用ULN2003A进行驱动,产生PWM波,里边有照片,可供参考,通过本例程了解PWM 的基本原理和使用 (#include <reg52.h> unsigned char timer1 sbit PWM=P1^2 void system_Ini() { TMOD|= 0x11 //PWM TH1 = 0xfe //11.0592 TL1 = 0x33 TR1 = 1 IE =0x8A } main() { system_Ini() while(1) { if(timer1>100) timer1=0 if(timer1<30) PWM=0 else PWM=1 } )
    2013-11-21 15:17:25下载
  • svpwm
    DSP28335空间电压矢量调制SVPWM调制程序,浮点DSP编程(DSP28335 space vector modulation SVPWM modulation program)
    2014-05-03 14:46:24下载
  • adc
    对ad7685的详细运用。加上12864显示。有电路图、芯片资料(Detailed use of ad7685 plus 12864 shows)
    2013-08-21 14:37:18下载
  • ZYCainiao_sch_pcb
    自己画的四轴飞行器,原理图,pcb。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。为了20个子,我真的不容易(Own painting Four aircraft, schematics, pcb)
    2013-09-22 16:23:55下载
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