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于 2015-04-15 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Lagrange interpolation method to calculate the fitting of discrete points



0 个回复

  • Matlab_application_tutorial
    2010-12-12 16:22:32下载
  • OMP
    this code is an important algorithm in compressed sensing
    2015-03-03 13:28:00下载
  • midfilter
    MATLAB里的simulink的dspbuilder设计的图像中值滤波,可直接运行,并可通过matlab转化到quartus中并下载到FPGA运行(MATLAB simulink in the design of dspbuilder image median filtering, can be run directly, and transformed by matlab to quartus and downloaded to the FPGA run)
    2015-04-16 22:44:07下载
  • Dataerr
    Calc standard error of the mean or nonparametric
    2010-12-16 19:20:23下载
  • time
    matlab仿真模型求解系统调节时间,上升时间以及超调量等(matlab simulation model to solve the system settling time, rise time and overshoot, etc.)
    2014-11-27 20:03:28下载
  • LTE_Advanced
    CoMP 技术是LTE-A 的关键技术之一,能 够显著的提高小区吞吐量和边缘用户速率。文章 首先阐述了CoMP 的技术优势;随后介绍了 CoMP 的技术原理,系统模型以及传输方案等方 面的内容;最后总结CoMP 技术面临的机遇和挑 战。(CoMP technology is one of the key technologies for LTE-A, can significantly increase the rate of cell throughput and edge user. This paper described the technical advantages of CoMP subsequently introduced of CoMP technology principle, the system model and transmission scheme aspects concluded the opportunities and challenges faced by the CoMP technology.)
    2013-04-10 21:22:18下载
  • lec1
    The p erceptro n algo rithm ceases to update the para meters only when all the training images ar e classified corr e ctly (no mistakes, no update s). So, if the training images are p ossible to clas sify co rrectly with a linear c la ss ifier, will the p erceptr on al gorithm find such a classifier? Yes , it does, and it w ill co nverge to such a classifier in a finite numb er of updates (mistakes ). We’ll sho w this in lectur e 2.
    2013-12-02 14:35:38下载
  • 矩形波导三维仿真序 TETM
    矩形波导三维仿真程序,输入矩形波导的尺寸,函数可以计算出矩形波导TE波,TM波的的三维矢量图(the simulation program of the rectangular waveguide. input the size of the waveguide, the program can calculate the TE and TM wave of the waveguide and plot the three dimession figure.)
    2020-10-23 14:57:22下载
  • matlab
    matlab的应用教程,ppt格式,教学用(the application of matlab tutorials, ppt format, teaching)
    2009-11-28 13:54:08下载
  • 87example-in-matlab
    常用matlab算法程序,其中的实例对初学者有很好的指导与帮助,经典算法实例应用(Matlab algorithm program used)
    2011-05-10 17:25:09下载
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