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于 2013-05-21 发布 文件大小:1783KB
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  各种最优化算法介绍,包括遗传算法、粒子群算法、模拟退火算法、人工神经网络、小波分析、动态仿真、数值模拟等(Various optimization algorithms, including genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing algorithm, artificial neural network, wavelet analysis, dynamic simulation, numerical simulation)



0 个回复

  • Asynchronous-Multisensor-Data-Fusion
    由于传感器自身以及通信延迟等原因, 使得异步多传感器数据融合问题比同步问题的研究更 切合实际。 对连续时间系统在融合中心和各传感器节点分别进行异步离散化处理,离散后过程噪声与测 量噪声以及测量噪声之间相关,虽然相应连续时间系统中的噪声是不相关的。 最后推导了相关噪声情况 下的异步融合算法,仿真结果说明了算法的有效性。(Due to t he r easons of senso rs in it self and the communication delays, the r esearch of t he asy nchr onous multisensor da ta fusion pr oblem is mo re pr actical than t hat o f synchro no us one. Firstly t he continuo us-time system is discr etig ed in the fusio n center and all t he senso r nodes w it h differ ent sample interv al. T hen the measurement no ises are fo und to be co r related with each other and t he pr o- cess noise tho ugh the no ises of t he co rr espo nding continuo us-time sy st em ar e unco rr elat ed. Finally an asy nchr onous fusion algo r ithm is pr esented for the cor r elat ed noises case. Simulatio n results show t he v alidity o f the presented a lg or ithm)
    2012-08-08 16:34:07下载
  • Artificial-Neural-Network-algorthims
    The esiest way to learn the backpropagation algorithm and theory.
    2014-11-06 22:21:08下载
  • zhuanjuPID
    永磁同步发电机的转矩PID控制,含风力机模型(Torque PID control of permanent magnet synchronous generator, wind turbine model containing)
    2020-12-14 16:59:14下载
  • free-vibration-matlab-GUI
    matlabGUI简单的小程序,求解结构的自由振动频率。结合专业,顺便熟悉编程(matlabGUI simple little program to solve the free vibration frequency of the structure. Combined with professional, by the way familiar with the programming)
    2013-12-22 09:21:02下载
  • xiangduiwucha
    光纤通信中用来计算相对误差的matlab源程序,对于刚入门的人有很大的帮助。(Optical Fiber Communication is used to calculate the relative error of the matlab source code, for people who have just started a great help.)
    2010-01-08 12:19:07下载
  • period2
    自己编的周期图法谱估计,对初学者有所帮助,内还有一本书可供参考(own series of the Periodic Table spectral estimation, for beginners is helpful, there are still a book for reference)
    2007-04-23 20:48:54下载
  • simulation-work
    pwm inverter model which will be use ful to understand its working
    2013-02-03 22:44:59下载
  • MATLAB5.Xprogram-and-design
    matlab 学习技巧,现在把我用的,也就是对我帮助很大的留个文件传上去,希望对大家有用,第三程序设计(matlab learning skills, and now I use, which is a great help to me to leave a document passed up, we want to be useful, the third program design)
    2013-08-24 11:45:35下载
  • MIMO-OFDM(channel_estimation)
    MIMO_OFDM的信道估计,方法较多,性能很好,十分完整而强大的程序(MIMO_OFDM channel estimation methods are more good performance, very complete and powerful program)
    2021-04-15 11:18:54下载
  • lms
    利用相关的瞬时值通过在工作过程中的逐步调整参数逼近信号的统计特性,实现最优滤波。由此,我们得到一种最常用的算法——最小均方算法,简称LMS算法。(By using the instantaneous value of the correlation operation of the progressive approximation of the statistical properties of the signal to adjust the parameters to achieve optimal filtering. Thus, we get one of the most commonly used algorithms- the minimum mean square algorithm, called LMS algorithm.)
    2013-11-25 19:53:50下载
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