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于 2009-03-12 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  好用的平衡二叉树类库,C++类库编写, 好用的平衡二叉树类库,C++类库编写(AVL tree implementation for C++)



0 个回复

  • xianxinglianbiao
    c语言编写链式线性表的初始化,创建,插入删除等操作。(c language chained linear table is initialized, create, insert and delete operations.)
    2013-11-09 14:30:30下载
  • reverse
    本实验设有一个线性表,分别实现数组结构存储的原地逆置。为数据结构课程必做实验。(This experiment has a linear form, respectively, to achieve the storage array structure in situ reverse home. For the data structure courses will do the experiment.)
    2013-05-29 14:25:34下载
  • K_Merge
    文件的多路归并排序算法, C++描述(要求待排序文件已经事先有序)(C++ implementation of K-Merge Algorithm)
    2010-08-03 10:24:48下载
  • Hash-table
    哈希表 数据结构课程设计 1.1问题描述 针对自己的班集体中的“人名”设计一个哈希表,使得平均查找长度不超过R,完成相应的建表和查表程序。 1.2基本要求 假设人名为中国姓名的汉语拼音形式。待填入哈希表的人名共有30个,取平均查找长度的上限为2。构造哈希函数,用链表法处理冲突。 1.3测试数据 读取熟悉的30个人的姓名作测试。(Hash table Data Structure Course Design 1.1 Description of the problem For their own class group of the "names" to design a hash table, making the average search length does not exceed R, the completion of construction of tables and look-up table corresponding procedures. 1.2 Basic requirements Assuming the name of the person called Chinese pinyin form. To be filled into a hash table names a total of 30, taking the average search length of the upper limit of 2. Construct a hash function, treatment with a list of conflict. 1.3 Test Data Read the familiar names of 30 individuals tested.)
    2011-12-19 15:39:00下载
  • Huffman-Tree
    使用三叉链表实现的哈夫曼树,统计inputfile1.txt中各字符的出现频率,并据此构造Huffman树,编制Huffman 码;根据已经得到的编码,对01形式的编码段进行译码。 具体的要求: 1.将给定字符文件编码,生成编码,输出每个字符出现的次数和编码; 2.将给定编码文件译码,生成字符,输出编码及其对应字符。 (Emergence of the frequency of each character in the trigeminal lists using the Huffman tree, statistics inputfile1.txt, and accordingly the Huffman tree structure, preparation of Huffman code according to the coding has been. 01 to form the code segment for decoding. Specific requirements: 1 coding the given character file, generating the encoding, and outputting the number and encoding of each character 2 will be given the encoding file decoding, generating the character, the output code and its corresponding character.)
    2015-05-22 15:37:03下载
  • Well-tested-algorithm
    效验算法单循环链表,这些都是实用经典的算法和数据结构(Well-tested algorithm round robin list, these are practical classic algorithms and data structures)
    2011-08-02 12:20:21下载
  • tu
    说明:  、实验目的 1 熟练掌握各种内排序方法,深刻理解排序算法及其执行过程; 2 学会分析各种内排序算法的性能; 3 了解各种排序方法的优缺点,对于实际问题能够选择一种较好的排序方案; 4 熟练掌握图的存储结构; 5 掌握图的邻接矩阵和邻接表表示分别进行深度和广度优先搜索遍历的算法。 6 了解图的最小生成树算法。 (Proficiency in the order of search, binary search and index search basic search algorithm, these algorithms are familiar with what kind of storage structure suitable for implementation two master binary sort tree characteristics, building methods, and dynamic search algorithm 3 master hash table of characteristics and construction methods.)
    2009-12-30 21:15:29下载
  • LStack
    堆栈实现C++,以VC++环境为准——逍遥大洋至上(The stack of the C++, VC++ environment will prevail)
    2012-03-26 08:35:26下载
  • 123
    中科大数据结构全部上机实验的实验程序以及报告,内容包括多项式,图,栈,SQL语言……(All experimental procedures USTC data structures as well as reports on experiments, including polynomial, maps, stack, SQL language ......)
    2020-10-14 19:57:30下载
  • SplitADT
    链表L,创建公有成员函数Split(A,B ),创建2个新表A,B,使的A 中含有L中奇数位置元数,B中含L偶数位置元数 (Chain L, create public member function Split (A, B), to create two new tables A, B, A so containing L odd position of a few yuan, B-L even a few locations yuan)
    2007-03-30 20:48:18下载
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