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于 2015-04-14 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  L algorithme K nearest neighbor



0 个回复

  • AirfoilNoise--data
    某型飞机机翼在风洞中测得的翼型自噪声数据,可用于多输入单输出的神经网络建模。(A certain type of aircraft wings in the wind tunnel measured airfoil self-noise data, can be used for multi-input single-output neural network modeling.)
    2014-10-27 16:59:39下载
  • MATLAB-tutorial
    matlab 入门教程 PPT matlab 入门教程 PPT matlab 入门教程 PPT(PPT matlab matlab Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial PPT PPT matlab)
    2013-11-25 23:42:58下载
  • MATLA533
    【matlab编程代做】月亮绕地球的动画 可以做为参考使用学习 ([Matlab programming done on behalf of the moon around the earth] animation can use as a reference to learn)
    2015-01-14 10:57:22下载
  • simulation-of-communications-systems---modeling--
    Since the first edition of this book was published seven years ago, the field of modeling and simulation of communication systems has grown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as a day-to-day tool is now even more common practice. With the current interest in digital mobile communications, a primary area of application of modeling and simulation is now in wireless systems of a different flavor from the `traditional ones. This second edition represents a substantial revision of the first, partly to accommodate the new applications that have arisen. New chapters include material on modeling and simulation of nonlinear systems, with a complementary section on related measurement techniques, channel modeling and three new case studies a consolidated set of problems is provided at the end of the book.
    2013-01-05 02:32:36下载
    由matlab编写,能实现局部优化的功能(it is writed by matlab,can solve optimization problems)
    2011-09-14 17:28:43下载
  • Matlab-File-Exchange-Center
    实现希尔伯特-黄变换的功能,并带有一段测试数据。希尔伯特-黄变换是使用EMD分解将信号分解为本征模态函数(IMF),然后求得IMF分量的瞬时频率。其对于非稳态和非线性信号具有优良的效果。(The function plot_hht is a realization of the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT). The HHT decomposes a signal into intrinsic mode functions (or IMFs), and obtain the instantaneous frequency data. It is designed to work well for data that are nonstationary and nonlinear.)
    2013-12-25 22:22:50下载
  • Guassian_Fitting_Function_curve
    说明:  此matlab代码利用求解线性方程组的方法,实现了高斯二维曲面拟合(附数学原理PDF文档)(This matlab code use the method of solving linear equations to achieve gaussian two-dimensional surface fitting)
    2021-03-15 21:49:22下载
  • example1
    说明:  matlab与dsp之间进行udp通信的matlab程序,包含了自己的理解注释,可以实现简单的报文接收,并可以根据自己的需要进行实时的matlab报文数据处理解析。欢迎交流。(Matlab program for UDP communication between MATLAB and DSP contains its own understanding notes, which can realize simple message receiving and real-time matlab message data processing and analysis according to their own needs.)
    2020-12-01 21:48:56下载
  • 57871831template_matching
    tempalte matchin progrma used
    2019-03-15 17:20:12下载
  • HRV
    心电图分析中HRV的各种计算方法,适用于心电图研究。(various calculation methods of HRV for Electrocardiogram (ecg)analysis which are applicable in the study of ecg.)
    2020-12-19 17:59:09下载
  • 696519资源总数
  • 104213会员总数
  • 20今日下载