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于 2012-11-27 发布 文件大小:1392KB
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  运用单片机实现烟雾、煤气报警和短路自检,主要用到ADC0809,AT89S51等。本项目最终做成实物,并能良好实现功能。有protel原理图,PCB布线图,完整的论文中有详细程序介绍。(Application of single chip microcomputer gas alarm and smoke, short circuit self-checking, mainly used in ADC0809, AT89S51 etc..This project eventually made real, and can well realize the function.Protel PCB schematic diagram, wiring diagram, the complete paper.)


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0 个回复

  • key
    模拟键盘击键,比较不错的一个程序.做软件仿真的(Analog keyboard keystrokes, compare a good one. To do software simulation of)
    2007-11-08 06:10:39下载
  • mega16-simple-example
    通过一个简单例子,说明C语言对于学习单片机的重要性,有助于新手的入门.(By a simple example to illustrate the C language for learning the importance of SCM to help novice entry.)
    2013-11-18 13:27:00下载
  • C8051F060-AD-UART1
    C8051F060 自带高速AD进行数据采集 可达100兆采样率 并切缓存与片外ram 并把采集数据通过串口发送给PC ( Data Acquisition example for C8051F060 Description: This example illustrates the use of ADC1 and the DMA to acquire and store data. It is intended for use with the C8051F060 target board in the development kit. // This code measures a signal at the AIN0 input with the 16-bit SAR ADC0. // The data is sampled at a rate of 100kHz. ADC output data is transferred to XDATA memory space using the DMA. // // With the EMIF configured for off-chip XRAM access (on the upper ports), this code moves the ADC data to the C8051F060TB target boards s SRAM device. // Once data acquisition is complete, the code then prompts the user to press the P3.7 // button on the target board when ready to receive the data via the UART0 serial port. The TB features an RS-232 transceiver and connector, so the data can be transferred // to a PC via its serial port. // The code is set to acquire up to 32768 samples (for 64kbytes of data). The SRAM device - can accommodate up to 128kbytes, )
    2014-07-03 18:46:42下载
  • A-digital-adjustable-
    一个数字类型可提高开关电源的设计与实现,可以是很好的借鉴,但是要用特殊软件打开,把文件后缀复制到百度就可以找到(A digital type can increase the switching power supply design and implementation, can be a good reference, but use special software to open, copy the file suffix can be found on Baidu)
    2011-07-23 18:41:24下载
  • 雷达仿真的c程序
    雷达仿真的c程序,我自己写的 站长大人,情尽快开通帐号,救急(radar simulation c procedure, I wrote the director of adults, and a quick opening of account and save)
    2007-04-11 19:01:01下载
  • zhinengyiqikejian
    这是智能仪器的课件,对于初学编程和电路设计很有帮助的。(This intelligent instrument courseware, very helpful for the beginner programming and circuit design.)
    2012-07-13 14:02:41下载
  • tongxin
    智能小车使用遥控控制的源代码,本代码可以作为进一步研究的参考(Smart car using the remote control of the source code, the code can be used as reference for further research)
    2013-10-25 15:14:21下载
  • VoiceInterpretationSystem
    说明:  系统工作电源AC220V 根据室内光线调节遥控灵敏度。 主控室电脑负责接收由控制终端传来的遥控信号播放相应多媒体影音文件; 通过主控电脑也可直接点播各展品文件,同时控制打开对应的展品照明; 遥控终端接收激光棒控制信号,控制开灯照明正在解说的展品,并通过通信总线通知主机播放相应文件; 通信中继器负责全部终端与主机间的双向信号传递; 扩展功能:设计上位机播放操作软件,控制照明灯亮度。 (无)
    2010-04-03 20:24:07下载
  • chaoshengbo
    51环境的超声波程序,keil直接完美运行,需要复制到程序中(51 microcontroller ultrasound procedure can be run directly keil)
    2014-12-06 00:44:08下载
  • hjghjgjghg
    单片机课程设计 电子压力器的工作原理 电子压力器由压力传感器,A/D转换器,数码显示等组成。 (MCU Design pressure of the working principle electronic pressure is controlled by electronic pressure sensor, A/D converter, digital display and other components.)
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