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于 2013-05-21 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  程序设计的一些基本算法 及其应用 有很高的应用价值(Some basic programming algorithm and its application has a high value)



0 个回复

  • Gear
    说明:  吉尔数值算法,求解刚性微分方程组,稳定好,收敛好(Gill numerical algorithm, good stability and convergence for solving rigid differential equations)
    2020-07-02 12:40:02下载
  • mg
    说明:  迭代算法中的多重网格计算程序Visual C++原代码(iterative algorithm of multiple grid computing procedures Visual C source code)
    2007-03-31 10:11:48下载
  • lqrcontrol
    control souce code with LQR
    2007-06-16 17:28:58下载
  • FTFS
    fortran code for LINEAR_WAVE PROPAGATION by forward time forward spase method.
    2013-03-26 18:51:52下载
  • LLC设参考
    半桥LLC详细设计流程。包括自己设计的和别人设计的参考(detailed design of half bridge LLC)
    2020-06-24 01:20:02下载
  • Computational-Science-codes
    开发环境没有可选项,fortran90,Fortran_90_and_Computational_Science-_codes(Computational Science codes by fortran90 )
    2013-10-10 17:07:12下载
  • GAtools
    是用MATLABA编写的遗传运算发的一个小程序 挺好用的 大家(MATLABA is prepared by the genetic operator issued a small procedure very well, we try to use)
    2006-05-30 09:25:04下载
  • shannon
    2010-06-02 16:47:42下载
  • AnalyticAnelastic
    二维粘弹性介质中波的传播的解析形式。应用Carcione等在1988年发表的《WAVE PROPAGATION SIMULATION IN A LINEAR VISCOELASTIC MEDIUM》一文中的方法,更加详细的介绍见英文描述。该代码对于做波场模拟的同学有很好的参考价值。( MATLABScript for obtaning the analytical solution for 2D wave propagation in a viscoelastic medium, based on the Appendix B of paper of Carcione et al. (1988)(1), corrected in (2). The source used is a Ricker wavelet in the y velocity component. A figure of the source temporal function and its inverse Fourier transform are provided to verify the good working of the method. Also works for elastic variables by substituting the values of vp and vs by real constant ones (vp_0 & vs_0). Attenuation is implemented by GMB-EK rheology presented in (4) and thoroughfully explained in (3). In order to make a proper comparison with numerical data it is recommended to either use the same rheology in both the numerical and the analytical. It is also possible to get an almost constant Q value by increasing a lot the number of mechanisms used in both the numerical and the analytical solutions, thus minimizing the effects of the Q fitting in the comparison.)
    2012-04-23 13:18:07下载
  • vss-nlms-matlab
    国外最近的一篇变步长nlms仿真,该文件有文中的几种仿真,包括基本的仿真,信道突变下的追踪性能和语音回声消除的性能分析(Recent foreign nlms a variable step simulation, the file has the text of several simulations, including basic simulation, channel tracking performance under mutation and voice echo cancellation performance analysis)
    2021-04-13 09:18:56下载
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