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cellular auto machine

于 2014-02-08 发布 文件大小:2216KB
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  元胞自动机模型,用于模拟交通流,内容为文献,需要使用caj viewer打开(Cellular automata model for simulating traffic flow, says the literature, requires the use of caj viewer opens)





0 个回复

  • FTE
    FTE是一个面向程序员的文本编辑器。可以支持20多种编程语言的语法高亮,加上较强的可配置性,使这个轻量级但是通用的编辑器几乎可以适应于任何程序员.zip它不是一个完整的编程语言,因为它没有标准函数库(如IO和字符串处理)。FScript提供的基本函数(如流程控制,变量处理,和基本的数学运算)可以通过宿主程序扩展,只需要一个Java 2运行环境.tgz(FTE is a programmer- oriented text editor. 20 can support multiple programming language syntax highlighter, coupled with strong configurable, so this lightweight but GM editors can be adapted to almost any programmer. Zip it is not a complete programming language, because it does not have the standard functions (such as string handling and IO). FScript provide the basic functions (such as flow control, variable handling, and basic arithmetic) can be extended through a host application only need a Java 2 runtime environment. Tgz)
    2005-01-01 17:47:15下载
  • Ex_ODBC
    MFC基本实例实现连接数据库信息的录入修改删除功能(Basic examples were MFC connect to the database information input to modify delete function)
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  • ClientSocketList
    这份源码可以让大家更清晰的知道编写网络通讯的技巧(This code can let everyone know more clearly written communication network techniques)
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  • SMYAOJ14
    实现三维对象的平移,旋转变换,以及投影变换,不错的(Realize 3 d object of translation, rotation transformation and projection transformation, good)
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  • attiny13_AD
    AVR单片机attiny13的AD采样程序包,内含在Avr Studio 4下开发的完成源代码和在protues 7.10下开发的完整的仿真图,功能说明在程序注释中。(AVR microcontroller attiny13 AD sampling package, containing the Avr Studio 4 developed under the complete source code and developed under the protues 7.10 complete simulation diagram, function described in the program note.)
    2020-10-09 16:47:36下载
  • student
    学生管理系统,包括学生信息管理,成绩管理,违规查询等。(Student management system, including the student information management, performance management, and illegal inquiries.)
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  • solar
    模拟太阳系,用的是opengl来实现的。(Simulate the solar system, using the opengl to achieve.)
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  • Projects
    一个使用PSPICE来完成的大作业,内含所有源文件(a big homework of pspice)
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  • win32code2
    一个WIN32命令行分析程序的源代码.(a command-line analysis of a program's source code.)
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    First, XP is a programming discipline. We’ll look at a core innovation: how “test-first” changes the programming process itself. We’ll also discuss refactoring, the way XP programmers improve their code. Second, XP is a team discipline. It has evolved a number of practices that help produce a high-performing team. We’ll compare XP to alternative practices, and see some of them in action.
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