blind source separation in matlab
- 2010-06-08 20:10:45下载
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Gaussian Distribution.
- 2009-12-22 23:46:24下载
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说明: 关于matlab编程的初级入门资料 主要介绍简单的matlab编程语言(About matlab programming focuses on the initial entry of information a simple programming language matlab)
- 2010-03-17 12:25:15下载
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GPU programming gems 3
- 2015-04-02 17:36:19下载
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产生随机信号观测样本,不同信噪比和归一化频率。利用基于FFT的自相关函数快速计算方法估计其自相关函数。(Generate random signal observation samples, different signal to noise ratio and normalized frequency.Based on FFT calculation method of the autocorrelation function to quickly estimate the autocorrelation function.)
- 2015-04-10 17:03:22下载
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Lamb波群速度,相速度,波长随着频率的变化(Lamb wave scpoe)
- 2013-07-26 10:05:34下载
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AP聚类方法,是08年发表在“科学”上的聚类方法,本人从图像图像方面研究近十年,这是我所见过最好的聚类算法,本程序提供聚类演示,还把它用图像分割试验(matlab7.0环境调试)。(AP clustering method, is 08 published in " Science" on the clustering method, the image from the image in my research in recent years, this is the best I have ever seen clustering algorithm, Clustering presentation of this program provides, but also test it with the image segmentation (matlab7.0 debugging environment).)
- 2020-07-01 18:20:01下载
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Spread spectrum merupakan sistem dimana sinyal yang dikirimkan memiliki bandwidth yang jauh lebih lebar daripada bandwidth sinyal informasinya sendiri. Proses pelebaran bandwidth sinyal informasi ini dilakukan pada sisi pengirim dan disebut spreading. Sebaliknya, proses penyempitan kembali bandwidth sinyal informasi dilakukan di sisi penerima, dan disebut despreading. Pada gambar 1 berikut menunjukkan proses yang terjadi pada sistem spread spectrum.
- 2013-09-03 15:32:12下载
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Median filter to image denoise (matlab)
- 2014-02-24 11:08:09下载
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说明: 禁忌(Tabu Search)算法是一种亚启发式(meta-heuristic)随机搜索算法,它从一个初始可行解出发,选择一系列的特定搜索方向(移动)作为试探,选择实现让特定的目标函数值变化最多的移动。为了避免陷入局部最优解,TS搜索中采用了一种灵活的“记忆”技术,对已经进行的优化过程进行记录和选择,指导下一步的搜索方向,这就是Tabu表的建立。(Tabu Search algorithm is a meta-heuristic random search algorithm. It starts from an initial feasible solution, chooses a series of specific search directions (movement) as a trial, and chooses to achieve the movement that makes the most changes in the value of a specific objective function. To avoid falling into local optimum, TS search uses a flexible "memory" technology to record and select the optimization process that has been carried out, and to guide the next search direction, which is the establishment of Tabu table.)
- 2020-12-19 20:59:09下载
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