首页 » PDF » 1000-2618(2013)05-0469-06


于 2014-02-01 发布 文件大小:373KB
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  时变离散时空系统的混沌性1000-2618(2013)05-0469-06(Chaos of time-varying discrete spatiotemporal systems)



0 个回复

  • 2run-30
    入侵检测算法,计算机常用的工具,聚类分析(Intrusion detection algorithm, commonly used computer tools, cluster analysis)
    2009-04-18 11:48:35下载
  • FDTD-Drude-model
    isotopic linear non-dispersive material grid size and time size is designated directly electic field nomalized PML for all three directions fdtd 3d with drude model TF/SF wave analysis incorperating electric conductivity and magnetic conductivity there is Gaussian and sine wave two choices incorporating the Drude mode
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  • STFrFT
    短时分数阶傅里叶变换的Matlab子函数(short time fractional fourier transform)
    2021-04-12 17:18:56下载
  • IIR
    1、不同阶次模拟巴特沃兹滤波器的频率响应 2、根据模拟滤波器指标,设计低通巴特沃兹滤波器 要求通带截止频率 fp = 5kHz, 通带最大衰减 ɑp =2dB, 阻带截止频率 fs= 12kHz, 阻 带最小衰减ɑs =30dB,按照上述指标设计巴特沃兹低通滤波器。 3、给定模拟滤波器,按照不同采样频率设计数字 IIR,观察采样频率对设计结果的影响 已知模拟滤波器传输函数 H(s)为 2 0.5012 ( ) 0.6449 0.7079 H s s s = + + 按照不同采样频率 Fs1=1Hz, Fs2=10Hz 使用脉冲响应不变法将 H(s)转换为 H(z)数字 IIR 滤波器。观察不同采样频率设计得到的数字 IIR 的差异。 4、给定数字 IIR 指标,用脉冲响应不变法设计 IIR。 数字低通滤波器的指标为: 0.2 , 1 , 0.3 , 15 p p s s ω π α ω π α = = = = dB dB ,使用巴特沃 兹滤波器设计数字 IIR。比较采样频率 Fs=1, 2 时设计过程中的模拟滤波器,数字滤波 器的变化。 5、用双线性变换法设计 IIR,并同脉冲响应不变法比较设计的结果。数字滤波器指标要 求如下 0.2 , 1 , 0.3 , 15 p p s s ω π α ω π α = = = = dB dB(1.Grasp the impulse response method and bilinear transformation design IIR filter principle and specific design methods, familiar with double A computer program for designing lowpass, bandpass and highpass IIR digital filters by linear design; 2 . familiar with the design of analog Butterworth filter, master impulse response method and bilinear transformation method to design digital IIR Filter method)
    2021-01-05 16:48:54下载
  • s变换
    说明:  s变换的一个例子,关于一个冲击信号的s变换(An example of s transformation)
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  • 卫星轨道坐标的计算方法
    说明:  详细介绍了轨道方程,轨道六要素,以及坐标计算方法,包括椭圆轨道面坐标、大地空间直角坐标以及经纬度坐标的计算方法(The orbit equation, the six elements of orbit and the coordinate calculation method are introduced in detail, including the calculation method of elliptical orbit, plane coordinates, geodetic space, rectangular coordinates and longitude and latitude coordinates)
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  • mengtekaluo
    本文件内容是蒙特卡罗算法,主要是对一些被积函数难的多重积分进行估计,文档除了程序以外,还有详细的讲解,便于理解。(Contents of this document are the Monte Carlo algorithm, mainly for some of the integrand is difficult to estimate the multiple integration, documentation, in addition to the program, there are detailed explanations, easy to understand.)
    2013-08-27 21:57:53下载
  • LargestLyapunov
    求时间序列的最大李亚普诺夫指数,很好用。(the largest lyapunov)
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  • Raytracing
    射线追踪,比较基本的源代码,根据自己的需要调整后使用(Ray tracing,the basic source code, adjusted it before use according to your needs )
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