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于 2013-05-17 发布 文件大小:10KB
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  多旅行商问题的遗传算法 环形 固定节点( MTSPOFS_GA Fixed Start Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (M-TSP) Genetic Algorithm (GA) Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique individual cities without returning to the starting location) )



0 个回复

  • 图象增强
    该程序首先利用小波变换,然后过滤噪音,最终实现图象边缘效果增强的功能(the procedure using wavelet transform, and then filter the noise, and eventually realizing Edge effects enhanced functionality)
    2005-04-16 19:56:49下载
  • matlab1
    这个程序是单纯行法寻优子程序(多变量寻优),是我的一个作业,希望对大家有用。(This procedure is a simple line method optimization subroutine (multi-variable optimization), is one of my operation, I hope useful for all of us.)
    2008-04-23 16:20:38下载
  • matlab1
    压缩包中包括1插值与拟合 2规划问题3 绘图 4解方程 5数据分析(Compression package includes one interpolation and fitting 2 planning drawing 4 solution of equation 3 Data Analysis 5)
    2007-09-23 11:42:02下载
  • Ant_clony_of_alogrithm
    基本蚁群聚类算法及其改进算法[带Matlab源代码] 该算法,解决了不收敛的问题,聚类效果非常好(效果图如附件图片所示)。 改进的蚁群算法是基于遗传算法的改进,在基本遗传算法的基础之上,加入了变异因子, 产生变异,从而更快的收敛。 (The basic ant clustering algorithm and its improved algorithm with Matlab source code of the algorithm to solve the non-convergence problems, the clustering effect is very good (image such as shown in the attached images). Improved ant colony algorithm is a genetic algorithm-based improvements in the basic genetic algorithm based on the added factor of variation, mutation, and thus faster convergence.)
    2012-08-12 13:46:23下载
  • 天线方向图
    天线方向图综合,可以绘制各种雷达天线的方向图,还有自己仿真的一些图片(Antenna pattern synthesis, can draw all kinds of radar antenna pattern, as well as some simulation pictures)
    2020-07-01 21:20:02下载
  • shuzhiyunihe
    有关数值计算与拟合的一些matlab程序及文档(Fitting of the numerical calculation and the number of procedures and documentation matlab)
    2009-07-07 08:37:13下载
  • A
    说明:  We describe a new method for performing a nonlinear form of Principal Component Anal
    2015-03-16 15:25:16下载
  • simulation
    说明:  基于matlab的电路仿真,计算电阻-电容电路的电压和电流振荡(Matlab-based circuit simulation, calculating resistor- capacitor circuit voltage and current oscillation)
    2010-04-07 17:06:06下载
  • forward_algorithm
    隐马尔可夫模型前向算法matlab程序,其中 alpha为局部概率;pprob为最终的观察概率(a matlab code for Hidden Markov Model forward algorithm.)
    2014-10-22 19:02:42下载
  • 0750677961
    Matlab Data mining code
    2010-09-17 16:08:11下载
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