BlogJava上不少朋友是做网管系统的。一个典型的网络管理系统,需要具备FCAPS几个标准模块,而网络的自动发现和拓扑展示是核心之一。很多人不喜欢Java的Swing,而本文就用一个很小很小的例子,来模拟一个小小的网络管理程序,希望能给大家一点启发。虽然很小,它却可以完成一个简单的局域网自动发现搜索、多线程、ICMP和SNMP的ping、节点的生成、拓扑的展示、自动布局等功能。继续改巴改巴也许还有点使用价值也未可知。 如果不喜欢研究代码,就当它是一个趣味程序吧!你可以在公司的网络里面搜索一把,把同事的机器都挖出来,看看你们公司的网络结构是怎样的;如果喜欢研究代码,可以看看相关SNMP、多线程和拓扑图展示的部分,虽然很简单,就当看肥皂剧消遣了。(BlogJava on many of my friends are doing the NMS. A typical NMS, requires the FCAPS several standard modules, network auto-discovery and topology display is one of the core. A lot of people do not like the Java Swing, this paper with a very, very small example, to simulate a small network management program, to give everyone a little inspiration. Despite its small size, it can complete a simple local area network auto-discovery search, multi-threaded, ICMP and SNMP ping node generated topology display, automatic layout function. Continue to change the bar to change the bar perhaps point value in use is also unknown. If you do not like to study the code, when it is a fun program! Inside the company network, you can search for a colleague machines dug up to see what your company s network structure research code if you like, you can take a look at the relevant SNMP, multi-threaded and topology diagram shows part Although very simple, when watching a soap opera entertainment.)