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于 2013-12-17 发布 文件大小:1666KB
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  《五子连珠》该游戏是在凌阳单片机上开发的一款益智类游戏,游戏过程中会随机产生三个随机颜色的子在棋盘上,玩家要不断的移动棋盘内的子,只要在横竖或者斜方向上有5个以上相同颜色的子,这一方向上的棋子就会消掉,玩家要想不会输,就要想办法把产生的棋子消掉。(" Five or" the game is on the Sunplus development of a puzzle game, the game will randomly generate three random colors on the board of the child, the child must continue to move the player inside the board, as long as if they had there five or more sub oblique direction of the same color, the pieces in this direction will disappear, the player does not want to lose, and finding ways to eliminate the pieces produced.)



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