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于 2013-12-17 发布 文件大小:940KB
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  Flash file animation Imitating a James bond presentation with homer simpson with a gun The homer s eye moves too A mask and combination of movements flash file



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  • APermanentmagnetsynchronousmotorvectorcontrolsyste
    : 讨论了一种采用 D S P芯片T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7实现无传感器永磁同步电机转子磁场定向矢量控制的方案, 介 绍了永磁同步电机的数学模型和矢量控制的基本原理, 给出了在无位置传感器的情况下电机转子位置信号的确定 方法, 采用i , = 0的对凸极式转子磁路结构的无传感器永磁同步电动机的控制方法, 说明采用高速数字信号处理器 易于实现复杂的矢量控制算法, 可以有效地解决电机的强耦合特性.(: A s o l u t i o n t o c o n t r o l a p e r ma n e n t ma g n e t s y n c h r o n o u s m o t o r ( P MS M)o f s e n s o r l e s s u s i n g t h e TM$ 3 2 0LF 2 40 7 i S d i s c u s s e d. A br i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e ma t h e ma t i c mo d e l a n d t he v e c t o r c o n t r o l o f PMS M i s p r e s e n t e d,a n d t h e me t h o d o f a s c e r t a i n i n g t h e r o t o r p o s i t i o n u nd e r t h e c i r c u ms t a n c e o f s p e e d s e n s o r l e s s i s a l s o me n t i o n e d.Th e c o n t r o l me t h o d o f i d 0 o n s a l i e n t p o l e PMSM wh i c h i s s e n s or l e s s i s p ut f o r wa r d,wh i c h s h o ws t h a t i f we us e t h e d i g i t a l s i g n a l p r o c e s s o r we c a n ma k e t h e c o mpl i c a t e d v e c t o r c o n— t r o l a r i t h me t i c c o me t r u e e a s i l y,a n)
    2021-04-18 16:28:57下载
  • DocInteraction
    说明:  各种格式阅读器,还是非常好用的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Reader in various formats, still very nice! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
    2011-04-13 14:02:47下载
  • dijkstraties
    dijkstra输入邻接矩阵,起讫点,输出最短路径(This function is built on the dijkstra.m function written by Jorge)
    2012-05-14 19:04:59下载
  • propeller
    船舶电力推进螺旋桨数学模型,采用切比雪夫多项式拟合,可以作为电力推进系统的负载使用。(Ship electric propulsion propeller mathematical model. By using Chebyshev polynomial fitting, as electric propulsion system load.)
    2020-11-08 15:29:47下载
  • Periodic_ILB(R-a-B)
    The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB). This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in dir_avi= C: that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations. The code implements in D2Q9 the model originally developed by Gunstensen [Gunstensen AK, Rothman D. Lattice The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB). This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in dir_avi= C: that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations.(The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB) . This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in ' ' dir_avi = ' C: ' ' ' that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations The code implements in D2Q9 the model originally developed by Gunstensen [Gunstensen AK, Rothman D.. Lattice The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB .) This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in ' ' dir_avi = ' C: ' ' ' that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations.)
    2021-03-25 08:49:14下载
  • rsfinal
    详细且一目了然的RS编译码matlab仿真程序。 包括GF(Q)域的各种运算(每种运算一个函数功能文件),RS编码模块及译码模块。 期中译码模块又分为伴随式计算模块,错误位置多项式计算模块,错误位置计算模块,错误数值计算模块。 还包含了专门用于测试每个模块是否正确的testbache。完整,详细,正确(Detailed and clear RS codec matlab simulation program. Including the GF (Q) domain of a variety of computing (computing a function of each functional document), RS coding and decoding module module. During the decoding module is divided into modules with computing, error location polynomial calculation module, the error location calculation module, module numerical error. Also includes a special module for testing the validity of each testbache. Complete, detailed and correct)
    2021-04-14 18:58:55下载
    相关分析法实例,自己做的不错的东西,相信有同学会用的到 (Instances of correlation analysis, its good to do something, I believe will be useful to students)
    2011-01-04 19:14:13下载
  • linear304
    说明:  非线性问题的线性拟合问题的源程序 非线性问题的线性拟合问题的源程序用MATLAB实现(nonlinear fitting a linear source of the nonlinear fitting the linear source with MAT LAB realization)
    2006-03-19 18:37:22下载
  • handbook-for-MATLAB-word-edition
    MATLAB简介及操作指南,MATLAB的基础语法,MATLAB图形制作,MATLAB的符号运算,(the basic guidance for matlab operation,including introduction, grammer,graphic image production and symbolic operation)
    2013-02-03 16:31:28下载
  • zhuying
    <精通MATLAB>根据这本书写的相应的运筹学里的源代码,都是最基本的算法,没有进行改进(<Proficient in MATLAB> According to this writing tacticians in the corresponding source code, are the most basic algorithm, no improvements)
    2013-09-01 09:57:58下载
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