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  读写器与射频卡通信的设计采用RC522射频读写芯片与射频卡进行通信,符合ISO14443规范协议;硬件系统设计中主要有AVR单片机主控模块、电源模块、存储模块、外部时钟模块、LCD模块;软件系统设计采用C语言,遵循模块化和结构化编程模式,设计了射频卡操作程序、软关机与自动关机程序、LCD显示、串行Flash存储器、外部时钟等外部设备驱动程序。所设计的手持式读写器具备对MF1 S50、S70射频卡的读写、实时状态显示、系统在线升级以及关机等功能。(This handset can process the data offline or online, reading and writing from 10 cm far. This handset is low-power, miniature, modular design and so on. This article includes: the communication design between RF card and Reader, hardware system design and software systems design. The communication design between RF card and Reader used to RC522 RF chip control RF cards, in line with ISO14443 standard protocol Hardware system design mainly include AVR microcontroller control modules, power modules, memory modules, external clock modules, LCD modules Software system designed with C programming language, and follow the modular structure of the programming model, and has the RF card operation procedures, soft shutdown and automatic shutdown procedures, LCD display, serial Flash memory, an external clock, and other external device driver Procedures. The handset readers has the MF1 S50, S70 RF card reader function, real-time status display function, the system online update function and so)





0 个回复

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