首页 » matlab » FaceNormalization


于 2007-12-06 发布 文件大小:86KB
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  这是一种很强的人脸检测程序,你可以试试,但我也不知是用什么方法。(This is a very strong face detection process, you can try, but I do not know in what ways.)



0 个回复

  • DIPDemo
    包括图像输入(打开文件、采集、捕捉图像、从剪贴板粘贴、打开扫描软件、灰度化、添加随机噪声、椒盐噪声、去噪声)、图像处理(几何变换、灰度反转、直方图均衡化、直方图统计、图像复原、边缘提取、伪彩色、二值化、图像变换)、图像输出(另存图像、打印输出、复制到剪贴板)(Including image input (open the file, capture, capture images, paste from the clipboard, open the scanning software, graying, adding random noise, Salt and pepper noise, to noise), image processing (geometric transformation, gray inversion, histogram equalization oriented, histogram statistics, image restoration, edge extraction, pseudo-color, binary, image transform), image output (save the image, print out, copy to clipboard))
    2020-12-27 22:09:03下载
  • fuliyebianhuan
    能够成功实现傅里叶变换,包括32点 64点 128点 256点 512点 1024点。(Fourier transform can be successfully achieved, including 32 points 64 points 128 points 256 points 512 points 1024 points.)
    2013-05-31 19:57:28下载
  • MyNewReProject
    点云读取,旋转,平移,缩放,统统是包含全视图的各种视图的显示(Point in put)
    2010-12-10 13:48:03下载
  • image-processing_toolbox
    这是一个图像处理相关的matlab工具包,包含了很多写好的可以直接调用的m文件,非常实用(These MATLAB functions were created for the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2nd edition, by R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S.L. Eddins, Gatesmark Publishing, 2009. The functions supplement and extend the image )
    2020-12-16 20:19:12下载
  • matlab_phase_retrieval-master
    傅里叶振幅相位恢复工具箱,包括经典的ER、HIO算法(toolbox of Fourier magnitude phase retrieval in matlab, including ER, HIO algorithms)
    2020-07-04 00:00:02下载
  • multiotsu
    otsu s multilevel thresholding method
    2008-04-14 22:24:24下载
  • singalframenuc
    通过统计直方图并作相应的处理完成了红外图像非均匀性校正,特别是针对红外图像中常见的条纹非均匀性(Through statistical histogram and processed accordingly infrared image non-uniformity correction, especially for the common striped infrared image non-uniformity)
    2021-02-10 16:29:52下载
  • pupil-localization
      本函数选用阈值分割的方法来完成瞳孔定位。根据图像的灰度分布特性,瞳孔部分的灰度值最小,其次为虹膜部分,最大的为巩膜部分。因此在灰度直方图中,第一个大峰值的邻域即是瞳孔所在区域。(Function selects the threshold segmentation method to accomplish the pupil location. Based on image gray distribution features, the pupil part of the grey value of the minimum, followed by the iris part, the biggest part of sclera. So in gray level histogram, the peak value of the first big neighborhood is the pupil area.)
    2021-04-07 22:09:01下载
  • KSVD
    说明:  图像稀疏编码的一种方法,可用于基于稀疏表示的图像压缩、去噪等(Sparse image coding method can be used for sparse representation-based image compression, denoising, etc.)
    2011-02-26 15:08:08下载
  • Stewart
    针对6自由度运动平台开发的逆解解算、雅克比解算、速度和力解算的程序(6-DOF Motion Platform for Development of Inverse Kinematics solver, Jacobian solver, solver speed and power of the procedure)
    2016-03-14 02:14:27下载
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