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于 2015-04-02 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  混合高斯模型提取视频帧前景背景图像,经试验验证准确率比较高(Mixed gaussian model to extract video frame prospects background image)



0 个回复

  • bhtsne-master
    tsne 快速降维算法 效果好于PCA 算法(tsne fast dimensionality reduction algorithm is better than PCA algorithm)
    2016-06-27 05:49:21下载
  • circle-are
    用C编写程序来求解圆的面积和周长,这是以前的一个实习作业。(Write a program in C to solve the area and perimeter of a circle, which was previously an internship job.)
    2013-10-14 19:22:33下载
  • HOSA-Toolbox
    高阶频谱分析工具箱,老外写的代码,可以用来做实验(High-order spectral analysis toolbox, a foreigner writing code that can be used to experiment)
    2011-10-16 19:19:02下载
  • NED
    利用小波熵自适应去噪并求出各层熵值(绝对值表示) 及权重,自写论文(Using wavelet entropy adaptive de-noising and the obtained layers entropy (absolute value) and weight, since writing papers)
    2012-08-22 20:55:21下载
  • shock-filter
    冲击滤波模型是用用于图像边缘增强的一种常用算法(Impact filtering model is a commonly used algorithm for image edge enhancement)
    2012-11-06 16:18:00下载
  • Desktop
    用于图像、图形的增强处理,效果非常明显,希望采纳(For images, graphics, enhanced processing, the effect is very obvious, hope to adopt)
    2015-07-18 14:26:32下载
  • ImageRegistration
    基于边缘特征的图像配准算法源码 基于边缘特征的图像配准算法是将不同时间、不同的传感器(成像设备)或不同条件下(天候、照度、摄像位置和角度等)获取的同一场景的两幅或多幅图像根据其边缘特征进行匹配、叠加的处理,最终生成一幅全景图像的方法。该方法具有抗噪性强,匹配速度快,误匹配率低,适用于多种类型的图像等优点,主要可以运用于以下领域: (1)军事研究领域,如飞行器辅助导航系绞、武器投射系统的末制导以及寻地等应用研究; (2)医学图像分析,如数字剪影血管造影DSA血管造影术、肿瘤检测、白内障检测、CT、MRI、 PET、 SPECT图像结构信息融合; (3)模式识别,如特征识别、波形分析、签名证实、目标物运动跟踪、序列图像分析等; (4)计算机视觉,可用于目标定位、自动质量控制等; (5)遥感数据分析,多电磁波段图像信息融合,如多谱段的等场景分类、定位和识别定义好的或已知特征的场景、自然资源监控、核生长监控、市区增长检测等。 本算法实现使用VC++6.0为开发环境,目前只支持灰度图像,感兴趣的朋友可以进一步扩展。(Image registration is a fundamental problem in image processing, which is a process to match two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, or by different sensors. Image registration is an important technique for a great variety of applications such as medical image analysis, computer vision, remote image data analysis, image information fusion, and the recovery of the 3–D characteristics of a scene.)
    2009-03-19 13:17:58下载
  • BlurKernelEstimation
    模糊图像去模糊处理,Amit等人发表的模糊核的估计算法,图像去模糊,得到清晰图像(image deblurring by Amit)
    2015-08-05 16:43:24下载
  • Match
    匹配算法,可以完美运行,对于初学者有着很好的参考价值(Matching algorithm, can be a perfect run, has a very good reference for beginners)
    2013-12-13 23:14:37下载
  • fun pcnn
    基于PCNN的特征提取,PCNN用于特征提取时,具体平移、旋转、尺度、扭曲等不变性,这正是许多年来基于内容的图像检索系统追求的目标,同时PCNN用于特征提取时,有很好的抗噪性。而且PCNN直接来自于哺乳动物视觉皮层神经的研究,具有提取图像形状,纹理,边缘的属性。用PCNN能很好地对图像进行签名,将二维的图像的特征提取成一维矢量签名。(Feature extraction of specified object is an important preprocessing stage in machine vision systems. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid feature extraction method using PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) and shape information. First, we use PCNN firing map train to formulate object’s time signature, then we use roundness of each firing map to formulate object’s shape information vector, the final feature matrix we got is combined time signature and roundness. We take correlations as our judge criteria in our experiments. It has been proved that the algorithm is not sensitivity with the rotation, scaling and translation of the object and is a useful method for target recognition applications.)
    2010-05-20 23:23:38下载
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