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于 2012-11-22 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  这是一个简单的银行模拟系统 1、 客户的到达时间随机 2、 客户需要处理的业务随机(不同业务处理的平均长度不同,例如:取款时间较短,开户和销户时间较长) 3、 处理客户业务所需时间随机(在一定范围内) 4、 使用文本文件记录每个客户到达时间、业务处理时间、业务结束时间 5、 动态显示(刷新时间可调)目前每个窗口累计处理客户数量、等待人数,每个窗口的平均业务处理时间,不同业务类型业务的累计办理量。 (This is a simple bank simulation system 1 customer arrival time random 2, customers need to deal with the business of random (the average length of the different business processes, such as: the withdrawal shorter, longer to open an account and cancel the account) 3, the time required to deal with customer service random (within certain limits) 4, using a text file to record each customer arrival time, business processing time, the business end of time 5 dynamically display (refresh time is adjustable) each window is accumulated to handle the number of customers waiting for the number the average business processing time of each window, different type of business operations total for the amount.)



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  • 12
    说明:  c编写的链表连接函数,上课时学的,上传试试 (c write the list to connect function, class, learn, try uploading)
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