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于 2013-05-15 发布 文件大小:209KB
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  滑模变结构于matlab仿真的自带源码,pdf版本的书籍已经上传,有需要的可以下载(Sliding Mode Variable Structure comes with source code in matlab simulation pdf version of the book has been uploaded, you can download)



0 个回复

  • anc
    matlabd的乱七八糟的没有用 不要下载(matlabd)
    2007-09-07 17:28:39下载
  • bldy
    抄录的是飞行器制导与控制及其matlab仿真技术 毕开波编著p159,仿真的是二维比例导引仿真,递推采用的是龙哥库塔方法 用的不是欧拉方法 我花了很长时间才敲到电脑上,望大家给点掌声,打字员llittlebird 错误的没有,有图为证 要下载两个(Reproduces the Aircraft Guidance and Control of matlab simulation Bi Kaibo ed p159, the simulation is two-dimensional proportional navigation simulation, recursive method used in the Long Ge Kuta Euler method is not used for a long time I spent knocking to the computer, hope everyone to the point of applause, typists llittlebird mistake not, there are two photo cards to download)
    2010-12-07 21:34:01下载
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  • fan
    球赛门票的售票处规定每位购票者限购一张门票,且每张门票售价 50元。购票者中有 m位手持50元钱币,另有n人手持100元。假设售票处开始售票时无零钱。问这m+n人有 几种排队方式可使售票处不致出现找不出钱的局面。(The box office ticket sales are limited to the provisions of each ticket purchase a ticket, and the price of 50 yuan per ticket. Ticket-holders have m-bit hand-held 50 coins, and another n armed with 100 yuan. Suppose no small change when the ticket office began selling tickets. M+ n asking a few people queuing up outside ticket office can not find the money to avoid a situation.)
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