说明: 这个用matlab写的小程序可以将连续的若干桢图像连接成一段视频(connect a sequence of images into a vedio)
- 2009-08-07 17:22:25下载
- 积分:1
Demo Test Demo Test
- 2014-02-21 11:33:51下载
- 积分:1
基于神经网络的强机动目标跟踪,可以自适应调节机动频率。(Strong based on neural networks maneuvering target tracking, can adaptively adjust maneuvering frequency.)
- 2013-11-16 18:03:25下载
- 积分:1
介绍节约算法的文章,包括一个用MATLAB编写的程序和一个用c++编写的程序(cw vrp)
- 2015-08-18 15:01:43下载
- 积分:1
its a three dimensional clock in vrml .this is the wrl exte.nsion file which can be called in matlab
- 2014-11-22 04:04:01下载
- 积分:1
说明: 双融水箱模糊控制,matlab实现,详细(Double melt water tank fuzzy control, matlab implementation, detailed)
- 2021-04-14 10:08:55下载
- 积分:1
精通MATLAB6.5(张志涌,精简版)一书作为刚接触matlab的实用书籍。(the e-book ,master MATLAB 6.5 author zhangzhiyong,is a useful helper for those who just start to learn MATLAB.)
- 2013-03-21 19:49:05下载
- 积分:1
BEARINGANALYSIS MATLAB code for bearingAnalysis.fig
BEARINGANALYSIS, by itself, creates a new BEARINGANALYSIS or raises the existing
H = BEARINGANALYSIS returns the handle to a new BEARINGANALYSIS or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
BEARINGANALYSIS( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in BEARINGANALYSIS.M with the given input arguments.
BEARINGANALYSIS( Property , Value ,...) creates a new BEARINGANALYSIS or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before bearingAnalysis_OpeningFcn gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to bearingAnalysis_OpeningFcn via varargin.
*See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
instance to run (singleton)".
- 2012-01-09 22:01:49下载
- 积分:1
根据股票每日交易数据,求股票期望收益率和波动率的函数(According to the daily trading data of stocks, the function of stock expected yield and volatility is obtained.)
- 2018-05-11 01:47:22下载
- 积分:1
knights tour clustering
- 2010-09-09 15:07:43下载
- 积分:1