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于 2013-12-13 发布 文件大小:1081KB
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  迷宫求解一般采用“穷举法”,逐一沿顺时针方向查找相邻块(一共四块-东(右)、南(下),西(左)、北(上))是否可通,即该相邻块既是通道块,且不在当前路径上。用一个栈来记录已走过的路径栈是限定仅在表尾(top)进行插入或删除操作的线性表。(Maze solving generally use the " exhaustive" one by one to find adjacent blocks in a clockwise direction (a total of four- East (right), South (down), West (left), North (on)) whether to pass, that the both channel blocks adjacent blocks, and not in the current path. Use a stack to record the path traversed stack is limited only in the tail (top) to insert or delete a linear form.)



0 个回复

  • yinhangjiasuanfa
    一个很好的银行家算法,能运行(A good banker s algorithm, will be able to run)
    2008-06-14 13:44:24下载
  • tree
    二叉树的先序遍历。采用递归实现。释放资源时用了后序遍历。(Preorder traversal of a binary tree. Recursive implementation. Release resources used after preorder.)
    2013-07-09 13:39:31下载
  • joseph
    用链表解决约瑟夫问题。 约瑟夫环是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。 其中包括一个实验报告,介绍了编程思路和输出结果截图。(List to resolve Joseph. Josephus is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (numbered 1, 2, 3, ... n, respectively) sitting around a round table around. From number k people began to count off the number to m the man out of the line his next person and from a number off, the man was out of the line number to m so regularly repeated down until roundtable around of the people all of the columns. Including a lab report describes the programming ideas and output screenshots.)
    2012-08-27 22:37:52下载
  • zhan
    队列的顺序存储结构和操作实现 队列的顺序存储结构和操作实现(The order of the queue storage structure and operation of the order of the realization of the queue storage structure and operation of the realization of)
    2008-12-11 20:10:49下载
  • Large_integer_multiplication
    算法分析与设计——大整数乘法。 计算两个超出机器数表示范围的整数的乘积。(Algorithm Analysis and Design- large integer multiplication. Calculating the number of two machines that go beyond the scope of the product of an integer.)
    2009-05-08 14:21:06下载
  • duilie
    队列的一般数据结构 队列的创建 删除 修改 取数据等等(The general data structure queue queue to take the data and so create delete modify)
    2010-09-08 14:36:38下载
  • yuesefuhuan
    使用VC编写的约瑟夫环程序,简单明了,方便使用(Prepared using the VC Joseph Central program, simple and clear, easy to use)
    2009-09-08 16:45:26下载
  • @163
    数值计算方法中高斯主元素消元法 在vc环境中运行 用于解方程组(Numerical methods in the Gaussian elimination method, the main elements of the environment in vc run for the solution of equations)
    2011-10-19 20:28:39下载
  • Lists
    用模板实现了单向链表的增删改查等功能,并且适用于多种数据结构和类,简单实用,是学习和使用的绝好资料(Template to achieve a one-way linked list CRUD functions, and is suitable for a variety of data structures and classes, simple and practical, is to learn and use excellent information)
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  • Test6
    最短路径算法。 用无向带全图的邻接矩阵存储图,确定从源点出发到其它各点的最短路径。 输入:图中包含的顶点数n 边数m, 各边权值,用邻接矩阵或者邻接表存储。 输出:源点到其它各点的最短路径值。(Shortest path algorithm. Adjacency matrix storage with undirected graph with a full figure, determine the starting point of the shortest path from the source point of each other. Input: Vertices figure included n the number of edges m, the weight of each side, with the adjacency matrix or adjacency table storage. Output: source shortest path to value each other points.)
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