首页 » C/C++ » DS1302P18B20P1602


于 2013-12-13 发布 文件大小:90KB
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  该程序实现了用单片机来控制时钟芯片DS1302进行万年历的显示。 这个代码相对来说很复杂,注释比较多。 程序运行,首先设置时间。 按S19,进行某一位的设置,会看到某一位上面会闪烁。 按S20,数值加1. 按S21,数值减1. 设置完后,时间会进行运行。 另外,1602上也会有时间显示的。(The program implements the MCU to control the clock chip DS1302 conducted calendar display. This code is relatively complex, comment more, we can carefully analyzed. The program runs, the first set the time. By S19, conducted a one set, you will see a bit above flashes. By S20, the value plus 1. By S21, the value minus 1. After setting, the time will be run. Further, the time will be displayed in 1602.)



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