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说明:  任何一个检测的信号都不可避免地受到干扰源的影响,脑电检测中的干扰源主要分为体内体外两大类。 体外干扰包括检测系统本身(如电极与头皮的接触阻抗的变化)、交流电源和环境中的电磁干扰源。把脑电图机的接地端与地线向量,并保持电极与头皮的良好接触,可以有效地抑制工频干扰。在电磁屏蔽室中进行脑电采集,能有效地避免环境中的电磁干扰。(eeg eog)





0 个回复

  • Imbox
    利用MATLAB计算图像盒维数的M文件。自己定参数。(Image box dimension calculation)
    2014-12-27 22:07:58下载
  • Image-Compression
    图像压缩算法的各种算法,用VC++实现,直接可以编译运行(Image compression algorithms algorithms, using VC++ implementation can be compiled to run directly)
    2010-07-21 17:58:56下载
  • Nevill
    下载的,求方程组的程序,可以借鉴下,挺好的(Downloaded, find the program equations, can learn, the very good)
    2011-09-28 08:42:22下载
  • Digital-filtering-experiment
    由设计要求可知,wp<=0.2π,允许误差幅度小于1dB,ws>=0.3π内衰减应大于15dB。为了验证数字滤波器的实际滤波功能,设计程序时,把输入序列定为验证函数x(t)=4sin(100πt)以及x(t)=4sin(200πt)和x(t)=4sin(400πt)。又因为Ts=1.25ms,T=80ms,故采样点为64,即N=64,所以当M=6,可以同时调试并验证程序的滤波功能。(Seen by the design requirements, wp < = 0.2π, allow a margin of error of less than 1dB, ws> = 0.3π within attenuation greater than 15dB. In order to verify the actual filtering function of the digital filter design program, the input sequence as validation function x (t) = 4sin (100πt) and x (t) = 4sin (200πt) and x (t) = 4sin (400πt) . And because Ts = 1.25ms, T = 80ms, so the sampling points is 64, that is N = 64, so when M = 6, can debug and validate filtering program.)
    2014-12-24 09:34:43下载
  • tabuveh2661622
    this is a new alghorithm about tabu search....
    2013-05-26 16:48:23下载
  • satellite
    这是卫星通信方向图测量软件 采用了VB编程,整个源代码通用 方便使用(This is a satellite communication pattern measurement software using VB programming, the entire source code to facilitate the use of generic)
    2008-08-13 10:57:15下载
  • JinXiang
    matlab 与 vc 混合编程在图像处理中的应用(hunhebiancheng)
    2010-12-21 12:53:55下载
  • Cguide
    帮助新手规范C程序书写格式 帮助老手纠正错误的书写习惯 使程序效率更高(C program written to help novice standard format to help veterans to correct the wrong writing habits to make programs more efficient)
    2009-12-08 16:42:44下载
  • xiaobobao-fenjie-yu-zhonggou-
    一维小波包在matlab分解六层分解,与重构,可得高低频。与原高低频对比。( One dimensional wavelet packet decomposition in the MATLAB decomposition of the six layer, and the reconstruction can be HISTEP low frequency. Contrast with the original high and low frequency. )
    2016-06-24 22:49:41下载
  • windowsprog
    说明:   本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。(This book describes the Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 5.0 under the process writing approach. These procedures used C language and use the original Windows Application Programming Interface (API). As discussed later in this chapter, and it is not writing the only way to Windows program. However, regardless of how you use the writing process, understand the Windows API are very important.)
    2009-08-12 20:58:53下载
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