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于 2015-03-28 发布 文件大小:4135KB
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  基础学习,可以实现编码的基础学习,认真学习还是可以学很好的(Based learning, can achieve coding based learning, serious learning can still learn a good)



0 个回复

  • Hui-Zhi-2D-3D-Tu-Xing
    利用VC和Matlab混合编程,Release文件夹下可直接运行,绘出2D和3D图形。并且可以在VC 6.0环境下调试,注意文件夹中的readme文档说明。(Using VC and Matlab to program, Release folder can be run directly, draw 2D and 3D graphics. And it can debugging in VC 6.0 environment, pay attention to the folder readme documentation.)
    2014-02-08 19:13:53下载
  • xunjiduanshijian
    水文时间序列 每旬的极端事件计算,该指标用于混沌计算前期处理(Hydrologic time series of extreme events is calculated every ten days, the index is used to calculate the pre-treatment of Chaos)
    2014-01-13 17:31:58下载
  • k_means
    杜达的《模式分类》第二版的配套的Matlab源代码杜达的《模式分类》第二版的配套的Matlab源代码杜达的《模式分类》第二版的配套的Matlab源代码 ( pattern classificationthe second edition of the supporting Matlab source codethe supporting Matlab source code Duda39quot pattern classification,quot the second edition of the supporting Matlab source code)
    2010-05-13 15:41:09下载
  • component
    c++通用技能编码能力提升:组件安装管理程序,已测试。(c++ generic skills coding capacity building: Component Installation Manager has been tested.)
    2013-10-01 15:50:55下载
  • MyDEA1.0
    做DEA用的,功能很强大,大家可以试试看,真的很好用(DEA do use, very powerful, we can try, really well)
    2014-02-05 17:32:37下载
  • Ex0502
    在MATLAB中实现二阶响应曲线绘制的m函数,可以完成线性或非线性二阶响应曲线绘制(In MATLAB to achieve second-order response of the m curve drawing function, can be linear or non-linear response curve of second-order mapping)
    2009-05-03 15:34:11下载
  • rms-model
    响应面法matlaB程序,大家可以下载。(RMS code)
    2013-11-14 10:55:13下载
  • mexDDGrab
    matlab 可以调用的动态视频代码;matlab 可调用的动态视频代码;matlab 可以调用的动态视频代码(matlab for video dll;matlab for video dll;matlab for video dll)
    2012-03-24 10:47:38下载
  • bipso
    围绕粒子群的当前质心对粒子群重新初始化.这样,每个粒子在随后的迭代中将在新的位置带着粒子在上次搜索中获得的“运动惯性”(wvi)向Pi,Pg的方向前进,从而可以在粒子群的运动过程中获得新的位置,增加求得更优解的机会.随着迭代的继续,经过变异的粒子群又将趋向于同一点,当粒子群收敛到一定程度时又进行下一次变异,如此反复,直到迭代结束.(particle swarm around the center of mass of the current PSO reinitialization. Thus, Each particle in the next iteration will be in the new location with particles in the last search was the "inertia" (wvi ) Pi, Pg orientation, and thus can PSO course of the campaign was a new position, increase seek better solutions opportunities. With the continued iteration, after variation of PSO will tend to the same point. When PSO converge to a certain extent when the next variation, so repeatedly, until the end of iteration.)
    2006-08-19 17:39:33下载
  • Electromagnetic-Field-2D
    ANSYS电磁场分析指南,有关2D的分析。(ANSYS electromagnetic field analysis guidelines for the 2D analysis.)
    2013-07-31 15:48:01下载
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