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于 2013-12-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  无线脉冲滤波器和有线脉冲滤波器,两种滤波器的产生。(FIR, IIR filter generates two kinds of)



0 个回复

  • EZW
    Shapiro提出的内嵌零树小波编码算法(EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet),其出发点在于小波变换后各级子带系数之间在空间上和方向上所呈现出带间相似性,这种空间相似性可以用一种新型的数据结构--零树(Zerotree).EZW算法就是充分利用这种相似性,获得高性能的图像编码算法.(Shapiro' s embedded zero tree wavelet coding algorithm (EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet), whose starting point is at all levels of sub-band wavelet transform coefficients and the direction in space with the similarity between shows, this space can be similar with a new data structure- zero tree (Zerotree). EZW algorithm is to take full advantage of this similarity, access to high-performance image coding algorithms.)
    2010-12-20 21:39:53下载
  • pekeris
    根据皮克里斯波导模型计算不同模态声速,从而计算发射接收点间距离(Model calculation according to Pique Reese waveguide modal sound velocity, so as to calculate the distance between the transmitting and receiving points)
    2021-04-06 14:49:03下载
  • fir-filter-lowbandhighpass
    matlab分别实现低通,带通,高通滤波器的程序(Filter-lowpass,bandpass,highpass. matlab )
    2010-07-12 09:43:59下载
  • matlab
    source Matlab traites the UWB
    2009-05-19 08:09:38下载
  • Floyd
    从任意一条单边路径开始。所有两点之间的距离是边的权,或者无穷大,如果两点之间没有边相连。   2,对于每一对顶点 u 和 v,看看是否存在一个顶点 w 使得从 u 到 w 再到 v 比己知的路径更短。如果是更新它。   3,不可思议的是,只要按排适当,就能得到结果。(A unilateral path from any start. All the distance between two points is the right side, or infinity, if there is no edge between two points connected. 2, for each pair of vertices u and v, to see if there is a vertex w from u to w and then to make than the known path v shorter. If you are updating it. 3, incredibly, just press the appropriate row, you can get results.)
    2011-09-02 23:33:33下载
  • shoudiangongjizhen
    受电弓激振实验程序,如果学习相关课程的同学很有可能会用得到这个程序,很有用。(Pantograph exciting experimental procedure, if learning courses students are likely to use to get this program useful.)
    2014-11-01 23:27:17下载
  • power_wind_dfig_det
    永磁同步风机 并网 控制 仿真实例,可用于实际工程算法和研究学习(Permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine and grid control simulation example, can be used for practical engineering algorithms and learning)
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  • ZSource-inverter_Maximum-boost-control
    Maximum boost control for z source inverter
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  • recurrence network
    说明:  在复杂网络研究中,利用e阈值求递归矩阵和邻接矩阵(get recurrence network)
    2020-09-24 11:01:14下载
  • 145
    This is the good examples for support vector machine
    2009-02-18 14:09:04下载
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