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于 2012-11-18 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  用matlab的各种100个最基础的编程例子,可以供大家更好的理解掌握MATLAB,当做模板在其基础上修改也比较简单。(Matlab variety of 100 examples of the most basic programming, for everyone to better understand and grasp MATLAB as a template to be modified based on relatively simple.)



0 个回复

  • matlab6.5learning-material
    既有基础的matlab软件介绍,也有进阶的练习,让你精通matlab(Software matlab existing foundation, there are advanced exercises, so you master matlab)
    2011-05-11 18:47:43下载
  • nnupdatefigures
    the update data figure of nn net in signal processing, and it is the matlab code
    2014-10-21 11:33:52下载
  • ka-e-man-lv-bo
    应用matlab编程实现基于卡尔曼滤波的目标运动 小球的实时轨迹跟踪(using matlab : using kalman to track the target running ball in time)
    2013-09-03 16:40:26下载
  • DexAnnotationAttributeImpl
    final class DexAnnotationAttributeImpl implements.
    2014-01-22 11:09:30下载
  • SVM-image-classification
    实现了 SVM 在医学图像分类中的应用,通过医学图像的实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。 对 SVM 算法进行了深入研究,结合量子行为的粒子群算法的优点,提出了一种量子行为的粒子群算法和 SVM 结合的混合分类模型,应用于医学图像的分类中。 深入研究了 K-means 算法,结合了无监督聚类和监督分类方法的优点,提出了一种 K-means 和 SVM 结合的混合分类模型,并应用于医学图像的分类中。 利用粒子群和量子行为的粒子群算法对 K-means 算法进行了改进,并将改进的K-means 算法与 SVM 算法结合形成全自动分类模型,并且把它应用于医学图像的分类中。 (SVM in the classification of medical image applications, medical images through the experimental results verify the effectiveness of the method. SVM algorithm conducted in-depth research, combined with the quantum behavior of the advantages of particle swarm optimization, PSO and SVM combined behavior of a quantum mixed classification model, applied to medical image classification. In-depth study of the K-means algorithm combines the advantages of unsupervised clustering and supervised classification method, propose a hybrid combination of a K-means and SVM classification model, and applied to the classification of medical images. Improved particle swarm algorithm using particle swarm and quantum behavior of the K-means algorithm, and improved K-means algorithm and SVM algorithm combined with the formation of a fully automatic classification model, and apply it to medical image classification.)
    2013-04-04 21:52:13下载
  • code(matlab)leach
    Leach分簇算法的matlab代码,可以运行,欢迎交流!(Leach clustering algorithm matlab code, you can run, welcomed the exchange!)
    2008-01-16 14:38:02下载
  • rastamat
    求解语音信号的RASTA-PLP和PLP特征(Solving speech signal characteristics of RASTA-PLP and the PLP)
    2009-12-14 11:17:57下载
  • project语音编码
    说明:  wav声音文件的通过多脉冲激励编码器,长时预测合成新的声音文件(wav sound files through the multi encoder pulse excitation, long forecast synthesis of new voice)
    2005-12-15 13:14:23下载
  • LinkedHashMultiset
    A Multiset implementation with predictable iteration order.
    2013-11-12 12:00:34下载
  • LMS
    基于matlab软件的一个无约束优化问题的最速下降算法(Based on matlab software an unconstrained optimization problems steepest descent algorithm)
    2013-03-11 22:58:07下载
  • 696519资源总数
  • 104213会员总数
  • 20今日下载